Some things that I have trouble doing

Hi there,

Its Saturday! whohoo! i just love weekends.

It gives me time to refresh my mind and also reconnect with friends. 

So, today's topic is about something I have trouble doing, I think the biggest trouble I have doing is confronting problems or people when I have troubles/negative thoughts with them.

When you address problems or start a discussion/express emotion it causes you so much energy and stress. The start of your discussion can cause long time conflict or it could in some situations end the long relationship you have built together with that person. 

I have always thought about the consequences of addressing my negative thoughts to people, and also have done it and faced the consequences when I was a student/young.

Those situations always ended in a negative way, I always regretted expressing my ideas/thoughts to that person and since then I stopped. 

Me being 24 years old however, not addressing my thoughts can cause a lot of negative impact on myself unconsciously because the negative thought just is kept inside and is never solved. I realized addressing the situation and confronting it is very important to have strong ties with people. If the person is to leave you when confronting, that just means they are not fit for you to be your friend etc. 

I still have so many troubles expressing myself to people of my negative thoughts but I have to learn more ways to address without being too serious etc.

I guess that is it for now.

Thanks for tuning in.

See ya soon and sleep tight you guys <3  
