
My emotion/my control/my life

Emotional Agility, a book I just finished reading yesterday.


Taking a break from doing the blog challenge, I was into reading books about emotion and how to control/ or in other words accept them. 

Since I was a kid I always believed negative emotions to be a bad thing. Negative = should be hidden from people/ shame to have and is best to be kept to myself. I would tell myself that it is wrong to have negative emotions and the best way is to ignore them. Yet, this book tells a different story. It says all emotions are important, especially negative emotions. 

Negative emotion is stronger then positive emotions. "I like" is easily changed but negative, I don't think change often. We tend to dislike the same things, and our likes/preferences change over time. 

But when we do not know how to control negative emotions it becomes fear. Having this black, dark emotion inside you is very scary. It can swallow you, it can destroy you.

The book Emotional Agility tells us how to confront these negative emotions. it first states to put and create a space between your negative emotions by writing it down and view our self emotion in a third person perspective. Looking back you get to isolate yourself from your negative emotion and view it and judge it in a logical/effective way. Then you see the real/core problem of the negative emotion. 

Second, accept that core problem that is causing your negative emotions to understand yourself. Do not look away from it. We always have to understand ourselves. What we truly love and what we do not love/what we hate. We tend to have an inaccurate, negative talk in ourselves that we habitually hang onto and strongly believe when we cannot confront these problems. This limits us from honesty and clearly seeing and experience ourselves. 

There were more written in this book that made me rethink of my relations with many people in my life including how I confront myself/ how i treat myself.

I don't think I can just do all these things at once but it will truly change me if I kept confronting my negative emotions and if I took care of myself. I should stop thinking about negative emotions to be bad and happiness to be positive. all emotion should be treated the same way. 

If you have problems with your negative emotions, do not hide it but why not confront it? A secret medicine to your cure might lay there. if you don't have time why not watch her tedtalk video?


Anyways, thanks for reading till the end. 

I should start blog challenging soon again :) 
