Five things that irritate me

Hi there,

ah, can't believe its end of Sunday.

So today's topic is about "5 things that irritate me". Hm,,, let me list up things that/action of people irritate me. 


・Late replies




I guess these are the points I could come up with.. in summary, I think someone who is self-centered. Someone who does not care about others is the people who irritate me the most. 

Living in society, with people, we usually have to learn the importance to help and get help from one another. It was normal for me to help people and people around me were nice enough to always give their hands when I needed help.

Maybe this is why I tend to spot people's actions when they are selfish since it just seems very odd to me. When you start working in a company, you get to meet a lot of different people. Work = a place to show your skills/accomplishment and maybe that's why too but people tend to be more aggressive and are not afraid to show their ego.

For me, the environment expressing ego, self-centeredness was very new and took some time for me to adjust. Now working for 3 years I am getting used to it.

But on the other hand, I also start to realize the importance of ego/selfishness in work/life. When we are still students we always had a measure in grade/good school/etc and always had a milestone ahead of us. Yet now, when you start working, no one is actually checking on you. It is you that sets milestone, it is you that judge, it is you that make your own pathway. and the importance of ego, selfishness comes into play. 

Yes, you do get bonuses, you do get these numerical numbers that judge your performances but to be satisfied or not depends on your standards since you can always give reasonings since the performance numbers depend on the company, your boss, the project and many more factors than studying at school having the wrong and right answers. This being said, having a goal within you and working selfishly towards your ego and goal can be a positive factor for me.

I do not yet know what I want to do in the future, what my ego is. where I personally want to become. But when I find the goal, I want to become a bit more selfish but still not forget my kindness. 

I think today's blog kinda went off topic but it was nice to express my thoughts 

anyways thanks.

see ya soon <3 
