
映画と第二次世界大戦下の英国社会:「ミニヴァー夫人」とHistory Commons : British Society, 1939-1951

ミニヴァー夫人 Mrs. Miniver


BBC Culture: Mrs Miniver: The film that Goebbels fearedより抄訳


[Daynard, Don Henry Wilcoxon in Peter Harris (ed.) The New Captain George's Whizzbang #13 (1971)]

…Because this is not only a war of soldiers in uniform. It is the war of the people, of all the people. And it must be fought not only on the battlefield, but in the cities and in the villages, in the factories and on the farms, in the home and in the heart of every man, woman, and child who loves freedom…


Mrs. Miniver

映画からわかる第二次世界大戦下の英国社会と世界とのかかわり - History Commons: British Society, 1939-1951からわかること

弊社総代理店商品、History Commons: British Society, 1939-1951(Coherent Digital)は、第二次世界大戦下の英国社会を理解するために重要な一次資料をデジタル化、自在に検索・調査できるデジタルアーカイブです。

では、実際にHistory Commons: British Society, 1939-1951を使ってどのようなことが調査できるでしょうか?



Sample search terms: Morale; patriotism; movies; unity; "British cause;" family; “public opinion”
Sample documents:
Effect on Home Morale of Flying Bombs and V2 Rockets. 1944
People Rendered Homeless in the London Area: Observations on the Effects of Enemy Bombing on their Morale. 1940
Propaganda and Publicity Used to Measure and Boost Civilian Morale. 1939
Religious Activities. 1942
“The potato way to brighter meals.” 1941
The Day That Saved the World. 1942
“Shopping for the whole family.” 1940



Sample search terms: Propaganda; "radio broadcast;” subversion; “American aid;” “war effort”
Sample documents:
British Radio and Leaflet Propaganda. 1940
Distribution of Subversive Propaganda in the Coalfields. 1944
“Food is a munition of war - don't waste it. The battle flag of the kitchen front.” 1941
Daily Worker and The Week: Public Reaction and Foreign Comments on their Suppression
Essential Jobs (Role of Factory Workers in War Effort). 1942



Sample search terms: "Impact of the war;" "citizens advice bureau;" America; "way of life;” “living conditions”
Sample documents:
Living Conditions in Certain Air Raid Shelters Including Trenches and Tube Station Shelters: Reports. 1940
Conditions in Selected Blitzed Towns: Findings by 'Mass Observation Group' Attached to the Admiralty. 1941
Leicester Region Industrial Survey. 1943
Effects of Air Raids on Dwelling Houses and Problems of Re-Housing. 1942



Sample search terms: lend-lease; “American aid;” convoys; “Franklin D. Roosevelt”
Sample documents:
America Moves Up (American aid). 1942
Suppression of Lend-Lease White Paper. 1944
“We Sail at Midnight” (United Nations Background - a Story of Joint Production). 1942
Food situation in the United Kingdom. 1943
Battle of Supplies (Convoys Across the Atlantic). 1942



Sample search terms: Society; determination; war bonds; families; civil defense
Sample documents:
Analysis of Firms Working After the Siren. 1941
Industrial Relations and Labour Problems. 1941
Determination of Needs Bill. 1942
“War bonds in the line of battle.” 1940
“Give him a victory salute by re-investing in War Savings.” 1944
Civil Defence Organisation for a Large Town. 1943



Sample search terms: Women; WRNS; WAAF; ATS; home front; factory worker; post war
Sample documents:
“To release men for the offensive. ATS, WAAF and WRNS need every woman.” 1942
“Thousands of women needed for AA defences.” 1942
Equal compensation for men and women. 1943
“Women aged 17-43 to become drivers in the ATS or WAAF.” 1942
Home Security Matters: Extracts from the Press. 1940
Soldier Comes Home. 1945
Essential Jobs (Role of Factory Workers in War Effort). 1942





History Commons: British Society, 1939-1951を実際に使い、どうぞ使い勝手をお試しください!



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