脅迫 blackmail







The perpetrators used military communication weapons to tell me things about my privacy.
In that vein, the story turns to a common-law partner who suddenly passed away a few years ago.

⚫##Years ago, while I was in a general hospital (and even after I was placed on home hospice), I thought that the perpetrators were threatening my common-law partner with military communications weapons. It will be done. I'm saying to the air, ``I'm good!'' ! I remember saying, At that time, I couldn't hear anything at all, so I thought it was the illness that was making it unstable. I also feel like I was under intense control around this time.

There were many other things that didn't make sense to me, and about a year and a half after his death, I went to request his medical records. I plan to write about this topic again soon.

When I was reminiscing about my common-law partner, the perpetrator, C, said, ``It's delicious,'' so I asked him if he was related to my common-law partner.
The perpetrator, C, is
Same workplace (with the common-law partner)? Or someone in the same industry might say, ``I did something I shouldn't have done,'' or ``I harassed you because I thought you weren't a good person to harass me.''
Female perpetrator A: “(laughing) I’m sorry.”
Female perpetrator B: (Looking happy) That's what I wanted to say.
Male abuser A (father of female abuser B) says something like, ``I'm happy because you look like you're crying.'' It looks like you're being harassed, so you can stop harassing me.''

*They say things like, ``I'm going to commit a second rape.''
"What did you do by writing that...?"

I reject what the perpetrators are saying.
Furthermore, I go to police stations, the Ministry of Defense, etc. to consult about my own condition.
