
Day eleven

Hi. Today, we had different class in the morning, combined class in the evening.

The morning class, we focused on ''reading''. Because today's theme is about human disaster, we read materials that is related to it. Through that reading, we also looked at '' adjective'' which is the words describing noun. We learned extreme adjectives. Do you know ''beautiful'' can't be ''very beautiful'' because ''beautiful'' is already in it? This skill is very useful not only getting score in writing section but also describing something attractive.

The evening class, we did some activities.

First activity was ''Paper Fortune Teller''. This is not similar in Japan but famous for one of the ''Origami'' in the world. We had brilliant time to ''Sing a song'' or ''Walk like model runway''.

Second activity was ''Werewolf''. This game is competing with one wolf and another. We talk, help, and fortune telling to expose who is the ''Wolf''. In Japan, we also have this game but to play English was really difficult. OfCourse, sometimes confused each other while we discuss haha.

After the class, we did our project to make a movie. This is the biggest assignment which is imposed on us in this three week. These days, everyone try making masterpieces each other~  

This Is today. See you tomorrow ~

