
人称代名詞 練習問題

代名詞といえば、学生時代に"I, my, me, mine"と念仏のようにブツブツ言いながら覚えた人も多いのではないでしょうか。代名詞とは、その名の通り「名詞わりをすることば」です。同じ名詞を繰り返して話すことは避けられ、2度目の登場以降は代名詞に変換することが基本になります。

Luke is my teacher.(ルークは私の先生です)
He is from Canada.(彼はカナダ出身です)
I respect him.(私は彼を尊敬しています)



[例] my car(私のクルマ)⇒ mine(私のもの)


【発信トレーニング vol.1】

[問題] 例を参考に次の名詞を適切な「主格の代名詞」に書き換えましょう。

【例】Luke(ルーク) → He(彼)  
   ice cream(アイスクリーム) → It(それ)

(1) Tom
(2) Ms. White
(3) A book
(4) Books
(5) Water
(6) An apple
(7) The books
(8) Tom and Bob
(9) Tom and I
(10) Bob and you
(11) A lot of water
(12) The houses
(13) The DVD
(14) The girl
(15) The boys
(16) Milk
(17) A lot of doctors
(18) A man
(19) The women
(20) A door
(21) A good boy
(22) Many interesting stories
(23) An interesting girl
(24) The bad men
(25) Hot water
(26) Good people
(27) A long river
(28) Short movies
(29) An old woman
(30) A difficult husband 

(1) Tom → He
(2) Ms. White → She
(3) A book → It
(4) Books → They
(5) Water → It
(6) An apple → It
(7) The books → They
(8) Tom and Bob → They
(9) Tom and I → We
(10) Bob and you → You
(11) A lot of water → It
(12) The houses → They
(13) The DVD → It
(14) The girl → She
(15) The boys → They
(16) Milk → It
(17) A lot of doctors → They
(18) A man → He
(19) The women → They
(20) A door → It
(21) A good boy → He
(22) Many interesting stories → They
(23) An interesting girl → She
(24) The bad men → They
(25) Hot water → It
(26) Good people → They
(27) A long river → It
(28) Short movies → They
(29) An old woman → She
(30) A difficult husband → He 

【発信トレーニング vol.2】

[問題] 次の(  )内の語を適当な形に直しましょう。ただし、そのままの形でよい場合もあります。

(1) ( She ) mother is a teacher.
(2) You and ( I ) are good friends.
(3) Do ( you ) like vegetables?
(4) Do you see ( he ) much?
(5) The CDs are ( he ).
(6) Does ( she ) brother work there?
(7) Mr. Brown visits ( you ) every month.
(8) That old desk is ( you ).
(9) ( They ) house is very big.
(10) He is looking for ( she ).
(11) He likes ( they ).
(12) She sends email to ( I ).
(13) ( You ) teacher is good. ( I ) is terrible.
(14) We know about ( it ).
(15) ( It ) name is Jay.
(16) ( He ) is a doctor.
(17) OK, I’ll see ( you ) next Friday.
(18) Can you take a picture of ( we )?
(19) I met ( she ) yesterday.
(20) That is ( we ) teacher.

(1) Her mother is a teacher.
(2) You and I are good friends.
(3) Do you like vegetables?
(4) Do you see him much?
(5) The CDs are his.
(6) Does her brother work there?
(7) Mr. Brown visits you every month.
(8) That old desk is yours.
(9) Their house is very big.
(10) He is looking for her.
(11) He likes them.
(12) She sends email to me.
(13) Your teacher is good. Mine is terrible.
(14) We know about it.
(15) Its name is Jay.
(16) He is a doctor.
(17) OK, I’ll see you next Friday.
(18) Can you take a picture of us?
(19) I met her yesterday.
(20) That is our teacher.

【発信トレーニング vol.3】

[問題] 次の英文の太字部分を1語の代名詞で表しましょう。

(1) I write a letter every day.
(2) You and your friends went shopping last weekend.
(3) Do you know John’s mother?
(4) Do you know John’s mother?
(5) He loves me and my son.
(6) Those birds fly very fast.
(7) The hotel is very nice.
(8) That is my bag.
(9) The milk is bad.
(10) The children are very tired and hungry.
(11) Sometimes we study math in the library.
(12) Is that your bike?
(13) My sister has a lot of English books.
(14) Their room is always clean.
(15) This is her desk. Your desk is over there.
(16) I don’t drink iced coffee very often.
(17) Takashi's parents are not here.
(18) I found some good websites.
(19) My boyfriend was talking to another girl.
(20) Do you like that boy?

(1) I write it every day.
(2) You went shopping last weekend.
(3) Do you know his mother?
(4) Do you know her?
(5) He loves us.
(6) They fly very fast.
(7) It is very nice.
(8) That is mine.
(9) It is bad.
(10) They are very tired and hungry.
(11) Sometimes we study it in the library.
(12) Is that yours?
(13) She has a lot of English books.
(14) It is always clean.
(15) This is her desk. Yours is over there.
(16) I don’t drink it very often.
(17) They are not here.
(18) I found them.
(19) My boyfriend was talking to her.
(20) Do you like him?

【発信トレーニング vol.4】

[問題] 次の日本語を参考に、適切な語を選びましょう。

(1) 私はこの学校で働いています。
[ I / My ] work at this school.

(2) 私は彼女をよく知っています。私たちは親友なんです。
I know [ she / her ] well.  [ We / Our ] are good friends.

(3) 彼は毎朝寝坊するんです。
[ He / Him ] wakes up late every morning.

(4) サオリは僕のブログを読みます。
Saori reads [ my / me ] blog.

(5) 鼻にソースがついているよ。
[ You / your ] have sauce on [ you / your ] nose.

(6) それいいね。
I like [ it / its ]. 

(7) 彼女たちには夢があります。
[ She / They ] have a dream.

(8) 彼はフライドチキンが大好きです。
[ He / They ] loves fried chicken.

(9) これは誰の靴? ―あなたのですよ!
Whose shoes are these? ―[ It’s / They’re ] yours!

(10) ここは1月にたくさん雪が降ります。
[ It / They ] snows a lot here in January.

(1) I(主格)
(2) her(目的格)/  We(主格)
(3) He(主格)
(4) my(所有格)
(5) You(主格)/  your(所有格)
(6) it(目的格)
(7) They(主格)
(8) He(主格)
(9) They're(主格)※shoes(靴)は複数形のため、theyに変換します。
(10) It(主格)※英語には必ず主語が必要なのですが、天気のように特に主語にあたるものがない場合は、仮置きの it を置きます(この it は仮置きのため、特に訳しません)。

【発信トレーニング vol.5】

[問題] 次の日本語を口頭で英語に直しましょう。

(1) 私はこの学校で働いています。
(2) 私は彼女をよく知っています。私たちは親友なんです。
(3) 彼は毎朝寝坊するんです。
(4) サオリは僕のブログを読みます。
(5) 鼻にソースがついているよ。
(6) それいいね。
(7) 彼女たちには夢があります。
(8) 彼はフライドチキンが大好きです。
(9) これは誰の靴?  -あなたのですよ!
(10) ここは1月にたくさん雪が降ります。

(1) I work at this school.
(2) I know her well. We are good friends.
(3) He wakes up late every morning.
(4) Saori reads my blog.
(5) You have sauce on your nose.
(6) I like it.
(7) They have a dream.
(8) He loves fried chicken.
(9) Whose shoes are these?  -They’re yours!
(10) It snows a lot here in January.



