
DJ Panic さんより 藤井 風さんのカバーアルバムとTwitter アカウント削除についてのメッセージ(DJ Panic's message on Fujii Kaze's Twitter account deletion and cover album)

英訳を日本語の文の後に付けています。I added English translation after Japanese article for non Japanese speaking readers / Kazetarians :-) 



OK Asia というアメリカ、マサチューセッツ州のラジオ局の番組をご存じでですか? ご存じの方は、ラジオ番組の説明は飛ばして、2月18日土曜日の放送の部分から読んでくださいね。

今回初めて記事を読んで頂く方のために、簡単にご説明すると、OKASIAは、非営利のボランティア運営による地域密着型ラジオ局の音楽番組だ。 ホストのDJパニックさんは、アメリカで、アジアの音楽を紹介するラジオ局が非常に少ないことを残念に思って、素晴らしいアジアのアーティストを、アメリカに、そして世界に広げていきたいというビジョンのもとに、 過去5年間にわたり、様々なアジアの音楽を紹介している。DJ Panicさんは、藤井 風さんのファンで、2020年7月頃から、毎週欠かさずに、風さんの曲をかけて下さっている。今では、沢山の海外ラジオ局で風さんの曲をかけて下さるようになったけど、最初に継続的なサポートをして下さったDJパニックさんは、藤井 風ファンにとって、とても特別なDJさん。

彼女と風さんにまつわるストーリーは沢山あるのだけど、前回、11月に藤井 風さんがカバーされた曲のオリジナルの歌詞に人種差別用語が含まれてしまっていたことを知らずにそのままカバーしてしまったことを、誠実に対応、謝罪されたとき、彼女が温かいメッセージを送って下さったことをご紹介した。その時のお話を詳しく知りたい方はこちらの過去記事をどうぞ。


さて、先週末2月18日土曜日の放送は、藤井 風さんのためのサプライズ特別回だった。普段は、様々なファンダムからリクエストが集まるので、かけて下さったとしても1曲が普通なんだけど、2月17日に、藤井 風さんの「LOVE ALL COVER ALL(LACA)」サブスク解禁、およびデジタルアルバムがリリースされた直後だったので、タイムリーなお祝いをしてくださった特別にLACAから「Over protected」と「Good As Hell」の2曲、そしてLOVE ALL SERVE ALL (LASA)から「まつり」の計3曲がオンエア。

アメリカのストリーミングラジオでは、放送音楽協会 (Broadcast Music, Inc. BMI) や 米国作曲家作詞家出版者協会(ASCAP)などの規定で、「3時間以内の同番組内で、同じアーティストの曲をストリーミング出来る曲数、 同じアルバムから同時に放送できる曲数、同じアーティストを連続して放送できる曲数」など複数の制限があるそうだ。その規定に沿う形で、放送時間を最初、中、最後と間隔をあけて工夫して3曲を放送して下さったことに、パニックさんのお気持ちを感じて嬉しかった


「今流したのは、Kazeの「Over Protected」でした。そう、カバーよ。この曲が大好きなの。今放送を聴いてくれているカゼタリアンはよく知ってるんだけど、(注: カゼタリアン/Kazetarian: 複数ある藤井 風ファンのファンダム名の中で風さんが vegetarian みたいで気に入ったとおっしゃっていた名前)、Kazeはカバーアルバム「LOVE ALL COVER ALL」をリリースしたばかりなの。彼は、別の素晴らしいカバーアルバム(注「HELP EVER HURT COVER」)も出しているから、聴いたことのない人がいたら是非チェックしてね。このアルバム「LOVE ALL COVER ALL」にも素晴らしい曲が何曲も収録されているので、私のお気に入りの曲をプレイしたわ。」

パニックさんいつもありがとう。こういう時、私の OK Asia 愛が風船のように膨らんでしまう(笑) ラジオって、他のメディアと比べて、パーソナリティと視聴者の個人的な繋がりが大切な媒体だといつも感じる。いつも風さんや他のアジアのアーティストへの応援を素敵な形で表してくれるDJ パニックさんが好きだなと思う瞬間。ラジオ局が大きいかどうか、商業ラジオかどうか、みたいなところとは関係なく、純粋に感動する。


パニックさんが3曲もかけて下さったのは、てっきりカバーアルバムのリリースのお祝いかなと思っていたら、実はそれ以外にも意味があったことがその後のトークで明らかに。パニックさんは、藤井 風さんがご自身のツイッターアカウントを同時に削除してしまったことを当日に把握されていた。LOVE ALL COVER ALL のデジタルリリースと、LOVE ALL SERVE ALL パナソニック スタジアム ライブの全世界Netflix 配信のニュースに国内外のファンダムが喜びに沸く中、そっとTwitterのアカウントを削除された、藤井 風さん。その去り方は、「パーティー会場で、みんなが楽しんでいる様子を見て、微笑みながら、そっと会場を後にする人のような」優しい去り方だった。



「これ(Over Protected) は私が選んだお気に入りの1曲なんだけど、なぜこれを選んだかというと、Kaze ファンはとてもよく知っているけど、彼がTwitterのアカウントを削除してしまったからなの。」


「皆も自分のやりたいことは何でもできるってことを分かってると思うけど、彼は『I'm gonna do me. 僕にはTwitterは必要ないと思うから、Twitterをやめるよ』って示したのよ。」

「彼はInstagramを持っているし、Twitterのスタッフアカウントもあるよね、彼にとってはそれだけあれば十分なのよ。なぜなら、彼は自分の音楽に集中したい、ファンに届けたい音楽を作ることに集中したい。彼は自分の将来と音楽に集中することを、音楽だけを通して自分を表現していくことを宣言したの。これは私の個人的な意見よ、私は彼と話をしたわけではないし。でも、いつか、Kazeにコンタクトしておしゃべりしたいな。 きっと素晴らしい時間になると思うわ。そう、私はこう思うんだけど、『俺は自分の音楽でやるべきことに集中しなくてはならない、だから自分に集中しなければならない』ってね、私はそのことに拍手を送るわ。」と仰っていた。(上記コメントは、パニックさんの個人的な見解です)。


私は、このコメントを聴いてちょっとハッとした部分があった。私は、パニックさんは風さんのファンだし、風さんの楽しいTwitterの投稿を楽しんでいらした一人だと思うので、きっと風さんがTwitterを離れられたことを、少なからず残念に思われているのではないかと思っていた。でも、「Awesome, 素晴らしい」という言葉のみで、「残念、ショック、寂しい」みたいなコメントが一言も出なかったことにちょっと驚いた。


風さんがTwitterの発信を通して、いつもファンの近くに来ようとしてくれる、できる限りの交流をしてくださるのを見て来て、楽しい思い出も、悲しい思い出も、まるっと全部大切な宝物になっていたので、喪失感を感じた。風さんのTwitterは、風さんのもので、風さん以外の誰かのものであったことはないのに、変ですよね (笑) 

パニックさんの放送はその翌日だったので、お話を聴きながら、色々考えた。ファンベースが急激に広がってしまって、風さんの一挙一動にみんなの注目が集まって、風さんにとって、Twitterは、以前みたいに気軽に呟ける場所ではなくなってしまっていたのかな。皆を喜ばせようと思ってして下さる投稿や「いいね」も、喜ぶ人と、悲しむ人、不満に思う人が出てきたり、ファン同士が攻撃しあったり、最後には、風さんを巡る、音楽には直接関係のないような色んなことを大声で議論する人が出てきて(注: 様々な考えがあることは理解しています)、昔みたいな優しくて楽しいばかりの場所ではなくなってしまった。ほとんどの人がハッピーだったとしても、否定的な意見はどうしても目立ってしまう。ちょっと古い引用だけど、炎上コメント書き込み者は全体の0.5%という説もあるくらいだから、ファンの数が増えてそういうコメントが目に留まりやすくなっただけなのかもしれないけど。 (注: 山口真一さんの「正義を振りかざす「極端な人」の正体」関連記事より」末尾に引用リンク有り)



パニックさんがおっしゃっていた、"I'm gonna do me" って、自分のことにフォーカスするってことかなって思ったけど、もう少しわかりたくて、ちょっと、調べてみた。使う人によって少し使い方に幅があるみたいで






そういえば、古参のファンの方で、今はツイッターをお休みされている方が、「風さんから、全く発信がない時は、本当にものすごく忙しい時だ。」って仰っていたこともちょっと思い出した。別の古参さんが「風さんがこんなに頻繁に発信して下さる様になったのは最近のことで、昔はずっと音沙汰ないとかよくあったよ」とも仰ってたかな? なので、「便りの無いのは良い便り」ということで(笑) 私も私にとって「大切なことをよう選んで」、自分にフォーカスさせてもらおうかな、と思った。

どうぞ素敵な一日 & 素敵な夜を。

(English Translation)  

OK Asia showcases Asian Music and artists 

hi dears, Have you heard of OK Asia, a radio station in Massachusetts, U.S.A.? 
I just wanted to share wonderful comments DJ Panic said during the show on Saturday, February 18, 2023.  If you are familiar with the program, please skip this part and read from the 2nd paragraph, Saturday, February 18 broadcast part.

For those of you reading this article for the first time, a brief explanation is that OKASIA is a non-profit, volunteer-run, community-based radio station music program.

The host, DJ Panic, has been presenting a variety of Asian music for the past five years with the vision of spreading great Asian artists to the U.S. and the world, based on her disappointment that there are very few radio stations in the U.S. that feature Asian music. DJ Panic is a fan of Fujii Kaze and has been playing his music every week without fail since July 2020. Now, many international radio stations play Kaze's music, but DJ Panic, who was the first to provide continuous support, is a very special DJ for Fujii Kaze fans.

There are many stories about her and Kaze. Last time, in November 2022, when Fujii Kaze sincerely responded and apologized for singing the discriminatory word which was originally included in the cover song's original lyrics, DJ Panic sent him a warm message. If you would like to know more about the story of that time, please click here to read my previous article (mostly written in Japanese, sorry !).

Last weekend, Saturday, February 18, 2023 was a surprise special broadcast for Fujii Kaze. Normally, OK Asia receives many requests from various fandoms, so even if DJ Panic plays Kaze song, it is usually one song. However, since it was right after the digital album release of Fujii Kaze 's "Love All Cover All (LACA)", DJ Panic held timely celebration for Kaze and Kazetarians.   A total of three songs were specially aired, two from LACA, "Over protected" and "Good As Hell," and one from LOVE ALL SERVE ALL (LASA), "Matsuri'.

In streaming radio in the U.S., the Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI) and the American Society of Composers, Songwriters, and Publishers (ASCAP) have set several restrictions, such as "the number of songs from the same artist that can be streamed within a three-hour program, the number of songs from the same album that can be broadcast at the same time, and the number of songs from the same artist that can be broadcast in a series," according to their regulations. I was glad to see that Mr. Panic was so thoughtful and creative in broadcasting three songs at intervals of the first, middle, and last song of the broadcast time in accordance with these restrictions.

She talked a lot about Kaze-san that day.

DJ Panic's comments are as follows : 
"That was Kaze with “overprotected”. Yeah, it was a cover. Yes, I love that song. Oh my goodness so as some Kazetarians know out there, he actually released his "LOVE ALL COVER ALL" and of course he had a really awesome another cover album. Please check that out if you have not and some awesome songs in on this one as well, so I’m just playing songs of my favorites. Yes, this was one of my picks in them. Why did I pick this one ? because Kazetarians know very well, but he actually has deleted his Twitter account. That’s awesome of him to do that. You know you can do whatever you want and he just say “you know, I’m gonna do me. I don’t think I need Twitter I’m just gonna leave Twitter”. He does have an Instagram, to remind you, there is a Twitter account from the staff which is the only thing needed for him because he just wants to concentrate on his music, he wants to concentrate on what he wants to bring to the fans.  He declared he will express himself through his music. This is my opinion everybody I’m not talk to him. One day I will, I will get a hold of Kaze and we will have a chat, that would be amazing time to have a chat with him.  Anyways, this is what I think, 'I need to concentrate on what I need to do on my music, I need to concentrate on me' I applaud him for that. I do"  

Espresso's note 

I had a bit of an aha moment when I heard this comment. I thought that DJ Panic was a fan of Kaze's and one of the people who enjoyed his fun Twitter posts, and that she must have been a bit disappointed that Kaze had left Twitter. But I was a little surprised to hear she only said "Awesome" and not a single comment like "disappointed, shocked, sad".

But after digesting DJ Panic's words in my own way, I started feel I can relate well. I've been a fan since the release of HEHN in 2020, and I've not been a fan of Kaze-san's for a very long time. However, I was more shocked than I expected that Kaze-san had graduated from Twitter. I must confess that when I found out that he deleted his account, I was about to go into next meeting, so I needed to compose myself in the small huddle room so as not to affect my next meeting. I was surprised at my reaction (lol).

I love music and listen to many different artists, but Kaze-san was the only artist that I have followed so closely over the career of a single artist. I have always seen Kaze-san trying to get close to his fans on Twitter and interacting with them as best he could, and all the happy and sad memories have become my precious treasures.  Kaze-san's Twitter is his and no one else's, but I still felt as if I lost it, which is strange :-)

Panic-san's broadcast was the day after that, so I thought a lot about it as I listened to her talk.  His fan base has expanded so rapidly that everyone's attention is focused on his every move, and it might have become no longer a place where he could casually tweet about things like before. Even though he made twitter posts and "likes" to make every fan happy, there were those who were happy, those who were sad, those who were dissatisfied, fans started attacking each other.  Finally, there were those who loudly discuss various issues surrounding Kaze-san, although it seemed to be a personal matter, not directly relevant to his music. Even if most fans were happy, the negativity inevitably stood out. (Note: There is a link at the end of this article from Shinichi Yamaguchi's article on "The Identity of 'Extremists' Who Wield Justice")

Looking back on myself personally, I am the type of person whose energy is drained when I see too many opinions from various people on social media. I am very sorry to say that I have basically stopped following back on Kaze-san's main account since a certain point in time because I could no longer keep up with the amount of information on the timeline due to the drastic increase in the number of fans. I mainly interact with Kaze fans through replies as much as I can. I would like to "like" all the nice posts, but after I found out that even my "likes" appear other people's time lines, I have become hesitant to "like" many tweets. I also created a separate account to post about other musicians and miscellaneous day to day events because I wanted a place to interact with twitter friends who are also interested in music other than Kaze-san, and who are willing to read my day-to-day stuff.

As such, I think I am less likely to encounter comments on TL that negatively impact my energy, but I still see all sorts of energy-draining opinions from time to time. I'm sorry to think that Kaze-san, when he searched about himself, may have had his energy drained looking at those unpleasant conversations on Twitter. 

I thought that "I'm gonna do me," as DJ Panic said, meant to focus on oneself, but I wanted to understand that a little more, so I googled to understand it better. 

It seems to have a meaning like this,  "to be oneself, focusing on their own well-being". "The act of taking care of yourself first. Making yourself happy. Not trying to please others"

That's wonderful, isn't it ? .

Now that Kaze-san is no longer on Twitter, I would of course be happy to see him showing up on Instagram when he can. However, as a fan, if I imagine the potential reason why Kaze-san left Twitter, I hope he does not feel obliged to make social media post.

When he is concentrating on his music, when he is busy with his personal life, or when he needs to rest his mind and body, I hope he knows it it OK to be away from his fans and social media for while, and be free to relax and follow his own heart. I am sure this will help him create great music for fans.  Of course, he does not have to rush releasing his next album either. He can and should take as much time he needs.

I remember that one of experienced Kaze fan, who is now taking a break from Twitter, said, "When Kaze-san doesn't send out any messages at all, that's when he's really extremely busy." I was also reminded of this. Another long time Kaze fan said, "It's only recently that Kaze-san has been sending us such frequent messages, and in the past, we often didn't hear from him for a long time. So I thought, "No news is good news" :-). I also thought that I should "choose what is important (ref: Mo Eh Wa lyrics)" to me and focus on myself.

If you read this article and if you are interested in overseas radio requests, please feel free to contact us on Twitter, as we are looking for fans who can send the requests together. 

I know my ramblings have gotten quite long, but thank you for reading. Please have a wonderful day, or evening,  wherever you are reading this. 

