

By Lilico Sasamoto

English below!












It's hard to go through life on your own without barriers

By Lilico Sasamoto

Do you ever feel the need to be "masculine" or "feminine"? I want to live my life expressing who I am, but others ask me, "Can't you do something more masculine? or "You should act more like a girl and act prettier. I want to express myself and live my life, but others nag me, "Can't you do something more masculine? At first, you may be able to ignore these comments, but as the comments pile up, you find yourself in a lot of pain. Rather than blaming the person who said it, many people may blame themselves, wondering why they cannot become a person appropriate for their gender or why they cannot do what others want from them. Why do people look only at a person's "sexuality" and try to complete things within that limited scope?

The concepts of masculinity and femininity are "something that is acquired before one knows it

In today's Japan, we are taught by society as a matter of common sense that "if you are born a man, you should act like a man" and "if you are born a woman, you should act like a woman. When one grows older and develops feelings for someone, the common sense that "men like women" and "women like men" is added on top of that. One of the reasons for the construction of this common sense is the fact that the adults around children differ in the way they speak to them, depending on whether they are boys or girls. For example, boys are strong and should not cry, while girls need to be polite and should not give anyone an opening. For example, boys are strong and should not cry, and girls should be polite and should not give anyone an opening. But for girls, it should not end there. This kind of casual use of language in daily life builds a wall between men and women, and naturally no one questions the difference between men and women. They give up.

They will choke themselves because they are imprinted with "masculinity" and "femininity.

In order to pretend to be "manly," they drive themselves into a corner that they are responsible for protecting their family as the chief of the house. As a result, many of them become incapable of making a weak statement even when they experience excessive stress at work. In addition, with regard to their view of love, many women have the perception that they are valuable because they are chosen by men. In this context, women have studied make-up and attractiveness to be liked by men among themselves, and they have to dress nicely at all times. In addition, the image of men being aggressive during discussions caused men who could not come out of their shells to shrivel up; on the other hand, when women spoke up, they were perceived as scary.

The view of men who only look at looks, saying, "Women only need to be pretty."

This is my experience. I myself like vintage clothes and often buy them. In general, men's vintage clothing is more common than women's clothing. I prefer to wear casual clothes, so I naturally tend to buy men's clothes. I don't think gender has anything to do with fashion. I like clothes and it is easy for me to express my "self" personality through my clothing style. However, from my friend's point of view I clearly stated that my clothes are for men to wear . He said, "Don't you have any clothes that a girl would wear (his idea of women's clothes would be skirts) or something like that?" He said to me. What to him was a casual question, I did not understand. What is feminine clothing? Different people have different tastes, which means different styles. What's wrong with that? Isn't it interesting that there are so many different styles of clothing? He also said this. "The prettier a girl looks, the more attractive she is." I thought, "I don't get it. I thought to myself, "I'm not getting the point. I didn't know what he thought women were. Like him, there are many people in this world who think that there is a certain way of life depending on the sex they were born into. A life bound by a framework is boring.

Don't we forget that there are non-binary people who are not limited by gender?

By demanding masculinity and femininity, we undermine the non-binary people's place in the world. We realize that gender-obsessed coercion is not in their purview. They stated that the hardest thing for them is to be talked about as if they don't exist. I feel uncomfortable with them and with people in the LGBTQ+ community when they talk about love outside of the concept of gender. The "Do you have a boyfriend?" and "Do you have a girlfriend?" that I infer from a person's sexuality. or "Do you have a girlfriend?" are interpreted as not being in love with someone of the same gender, or as not being a common practice.

A society where people can express their individuality as a person without being restricted by gender

As mentioned at the beginning of this article, common sense about men and women is already established in Japan today. I am not saying that we should all work together to create a gender-neutral society. However, we should not forget that there are people who are suffering from stereotyped ideas of men and women at any given time. Let us, who are suffering, share with them and be able to say that their opinions are wrong. I want you to know that your casual words can hurt people. It is important to take responsibility for our opinions and be considerate of others. Do not impose your own values on others, and do not force them on others. There is no such thing as common sense in this world.

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