
Behind the Rainbows and Glitters of Pride Month / プライド月間の虹と輝きの裏側

By Adara

Every year, the month of June marks the celebration of Pride Month. This commemorative month is to honor the contributions and influences of queer people to history, on local, national, and international levels. Pride Month was originally celebrated as “Gay Pride Day” to honor the 1969 Stonewall Riots in Manhattan, USA. But the "day" soon developed to cover a month-long series of events in major cities around America, and eventually around the world.

The Stonewall Riots

Stonewall Inn - a gay club in Manhattan, New York City

The Stonewall Riots, also known as the Stonewall Uprising, began in the early hours of 28th June 1969, when New York City police raided the Stonewall Inn – a gay club in New York City's Greenwich Village. As police forced staff and guests out of the club, the raid caused a riot among bar patrons and local residents, resulting in six days of protests and violent fights with law enforcement outside the bar on Christopher Street, in surrounding streets, and in nearby Christopher Park.

Though the Stonewall riots did not start the gay rights movement, they were a catalyst for LGBT rights movements in the United States and around the world. On 28th June 1970, the one-year anniversary of the riots, thousands of people marched through Manhattan's streets – from the Stonewall Inn to Central Park in what was then known as "Christopher Street Liberation Day," the world’s first pride parade. "Say it loud, gay is proud," was the official chant of the march.

The site of the riots – Stonewall Inn, Christopher Park, and the neighboring streets and sidewalks – was named a national monument in 2016 by then-US-President Barack Obama in commemoration of the area's significance to LGBT rights.

Pride Month today

Participate in a pride parade!

Every pride month, massive rallies, pride parades, parties, workshops, concerts, and countless other LGBTQIA+ activities take place in many parts of the world. The community takes great pride in their cause, dressing up in lavish costumes, make-up, and glitter. Memorials and commemorations are also held for members of the community who have died as a result of hate crimes or HIV/AIDS. Initiation of campaigns and rallies strives to promote and protect the LGBTQIA+ community's history and well-being.

Want to take part in Pride Month? Here’s how!

Participate in a pride parade, and other pride events – Attending pride events does not require you to identify as queer. Check out what's going on in your community or in your area to express your support for equality for all, and come join in the fun! (Psst, look out for Equal APU’s upcoming pride event!)

Represent your flag with pride.

Represent your flag – Take a rainbow, or bi, lesbian, pan, ace – or any flag of your choice and proudly display it. Or, if you don’t have a flag, wear your colors on a T-shirt, a hairband, or however you wish to show your support!

Learn something new – Read articles and watch films in relation to the queer community to learn more about the serious message that Pride Month conveys. It's not all about rainbows, glitter, and festivals. So take some time to learn about the people who contributed to the formation of this movement. "Milk," starring Sean Penn, is a terrific way to start, as it follows the life of Harvey Milk, the first openly homosexual politician.

Why you should participate in Pride Month

Pride Month is a time when the queer community gets together to celebrate sexual and gender diversity, but that doesn't mean you can't participate if you're not part of the community. In fact, this is your time to break out of your shell and participate in the festivities – whether it be parades, festivals, concerts, or other activities. It also allows you to meet new individuals who share your values, knowing that this is a celebration of acceptance and love.

Again, although the emphasis is on having fun, Pride Month is also a good time to consider and discuss topics relating to the LGBT rights movement, especially as it receives greater media coverage during this time – from gay marriage and adoption to transgender rights. Although significant progress has been made in recent years in the area of equality, we still have a long way to go. And Pride Month is a perfect time to learn about the battle for equality and to get involved!

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ストーンウォールの暴動は同性愛者の権利運動の始まりではなかったが、米国および世界におけるLGBTの権利運動のきっかけとなりました。暴動から1年後の1970年6月28日、当時世界初のプライドパレードとして知られていた「クリストファー・ストリート解放の日」に、数千人の人々がマンハッタンの通りを、ストーンウォール・インからセントラルパークまで行進しました。世界初のプライド・パレードで、「Say it loud, gay is proud」というのが行進の公式唱和でした。






プライド・パレードやその他のプライド・イベントに参加する - プライド・イベントに参加するには、あなたがクィアである必要はありません。すべての人のための平等を支持することを表明するために、あなたのコミュニティや地域で何が行われているかをチェックして、楽しいイベントに参加しましょう。(Equal APUの次のプライドイベントにご注目ください!)


自分の旗を表現する - レインボー、バイ、レズ、パン、エースなど、好きな旗を持って、誇らしげに掲げてください。また、旗を持っていない場合は、Tシャツやヘアバンドなど、好きな方法で自分の色を身につけ、支持を示しましょう!

新しいことを学ぶ - クィアコミュニティに関連する記事を読んだり、映画を見たりして、プライド月間が伝える深刻なメッセージについてもっと学びましょう。虹やキラキラしたもの、お祭りばかりではありません。ですから、この運動の形成に貢献した人々について、時間をかけて学びましょう。ショーン・ペン主演の『ミルク』は、初の同性愛を公言した政治家、ハーヴェイ・ミルクの生涯を描いた作品であり、その手始めとして最適な作品です。




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