
Episode32 就職の面接

Hello, my lovely students! Welcome to my English learning podcast. Today, we're looking into the world of job interviews. I’d have to admit it’s nerve-wracking, but exciting moment when you're striving to make a good impression of yourself.
Small Discussion Question 1
Let's kick off with our first question: "What do you prepare when you have a job interview?"
Sample Answer 1
When I gear up for an interview, it's all about preparation. Researching the company, polishing my CV and getting some rehearsals are really important. I think dressing myself smartly also plays a big part.
Small Discussion Question 2
"During the job interview, what would you consider to make yourself a good candidate?"
Sample Answer 2
During interviews, I try to showcase my skills and experiences that align with the position. Being confident, showing enthusiasm, and asking thoughtful questions about the role and the company are crucial. It's about presenting myself as the right fit for the job.
Let’s see today’s vocabulary.
Firstly, we have 'nerve-wracking(神経がすり減るような).' Nerve-wracking describes something that causes anxiety or stress. For example, "The interview was nerve-wracking, but I managed to stay calm and focused."
Next, 'gear up(ギアをあげる)' means to prepare or get ready for a particular task or situation. For instance, "As the exams approached, students began to gear up by studying longer hours."
Moving on, 'polish(磨き上げる)' refers to the action of improving or refining something to make it better. For example, "He spent extra time polishing his presentation to make it more engaging."
Next, 'position(組織に於ける職)' denotes a role or job within an organization or a specific situation. For instance, "She was offered a managerial position in the marketing department."
Lastly, 'right fit for the job(適任)' describes the suitability of a person's skills and qualifications for a particular job. For example, "Her experience and expertise made her the right fit for the job."
We have looked into some related vocabulary and expressions about “job interview.” During interviews, please don’t bite off more the you can chew, just be yourself. That would be my advice. Thank you for listening. Have a wonderful day!

