
Episode 8 異常気象への備え

Hello everyone and welcome to my English learning podcast. I'm happy to have you here with me again. In this episode, we're going to talk about a very important topic: "Preparing for Extreme Weather Conditions." With the increasing occurrence of extreme weather events around the world, it's essential to be well-prepared and know how to stay safe. Now, let’s go straight to small discussions.

Small discussion question 1:
Have you ever experienced any extreme weather conditions? How did you handle it?

Sample answer 1:
I remember a few years ago, we had a massive snowstorm in my city. It was so intense that I had to stay indoors for several days due to blocked roads and unsafe travel conditions. I made sure to stock up on essential supplies like food, water, and candles. When the electricity went down, I didn't feel like I was alive.

Small discussion question 2:
What are some important steps individuals can take to stave off extreme weather events?

Sample answer 2:
I’d say one of the major drivers of extreme weather events is the increase in greenhouse gases. We can contribute to reducing emissions by adopting sustainable practices such as using energy-efficient cars, conserving energy at home, reducing reliance on fossil fuels, and supporting renewable energy sources. It seems like small steps but I believe that it will make a significant difference.

Now, let‘s see today’s vocabulary.

First, we have "extreme weather(異常気象)." Extreme weather refers to severe or unusual weather conditions that deviate from the average, such as hurricanes, heatwaves, or blizzards. For example, "The region experienced extreme weather last summer with record-breaking temperatures."
Next, we have "stock up on(買いだめする、溜めこむ)." To stock up on something( means to accumulate or gather a large supply of something, usually in preparation for an event or situation. For example, "Ahead of the storm, people stocked up on food, water, and other essential supplies."
Moving on, we have "stave off(食い止める、阻止する)." Stave off means to prevent or delay something undesirable from happening. For example, "She took preventive measures to stave off illness by getting enough sleep and maintaining a healthy diet."
Another term is "greenhouse gas(温室効果ガス)." Greenhouse gases are gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, that contribute to the greenhouse effect, leading to global warming and climate change. For example, "Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is crucial in mitigating the effects of climate change."
Lastly, we have "fossil fuel(化石燃料)." Fossil fuels are non-renewable energy sources formed from the remains of ancient plants and animals, such as coal, oil, and natural gas. For example, "The burning of fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, contributing to the rise in average temperature."

That’s the end of today's episode about preparing for extreme weather conditions. Remember, careful preparation can make a significant difference in ensuring your safety and the safety around you. Stay informed, prepare an emergency kit, and have a plan in place. Thank you for joining me today, and I'll see you soon in the next episode.

