
Episode 17 目覚まし時計の大切さ

Hello everyone, and welcome to today's podcast episode. Our topic for today is the importance of alarm clocks. We all know that waking up on time is crucial for a successful and productive day, so let's dive into the world of alarm clocks and why they matter.
Small Discussion Question 1:
"Do you think an alarm clock is necessary for you?"
Sample Answer 1:
Well, for me, an alarm clock is an absolute necessity. It helps me start my day on the right foot by ensuring I wake up at the desired time. Without it, I would risk oversleeping and being late for important commitments.
Small Discussion Question 2:
"What type of alarm clock do you fancy?"
Sample Answer 2:
I personally prefer a digital alarm clock with various features. It allows me to set multiple alarms, choose different tones or melodies to wake up to, and even has a snooze button for mornings when I need extra few minutes. Additionally, some models come with helpful features like built-in radio or natural sounds that simulate a gentle awakening, making the waking experience more pleasant.
Let’s see today’s vocabulary.
First, we have "necessity." A necessity refers to something that is essential or required. It is something that you cannot do without. For example, "Water is a basic necessity for survival."
Next, we have the phrase "start on the right foot(良いスタートを切る)." To start on the right foot means to begin something in a positive or favorable way. For example, "She wanted to start her new job on the right foot by arriving early and being prepared."
Moving on, we have the phrase "come with something(~が付いている、備わっている)". It means to have or include something as part of a package or arrangement. For example, "The new smartphone comes with a built-in camera."
Another term is "built-in radio(内蔵ラジオ)." A built-in radio refers to a radio system that is integrated or included as a permanent part of a device or equipment. For example, "The car comes with a built-in radio, so you can listen to your favorite stations while driving."
Lastly, we have "stimulate(刺激する)." Stimulate means to encourage or create activity, interest, or growth. It can refer to arousing or energizing something. For example, "The colorful visuals and engaging music in the video game helped to stimulate the player's senses."
Needless to say, alarm clocks help us wake up on time and start our day punctually. Whether you prefer a traditional analog clock, a digital clock with advanced features, or even using your smartphone as an alarm, finding a method that works for you is essential. Thank you for listening. Don’t forget to set your alarm clock if you are about to sleep. Good night!

