
Episode 6 お気に入りのカフェ

Welcome to my English learning podcast. In today's episode, we will be exploring the theme of "Favourite Coffee Shops" and discussing the reasons why we love our favourite cafés.

Small discussion question 1:
What do you look for in a coffee shop to consider it your favourite?

Sample answer 1:
Well, when it comes to my favourite coffee shop, there are a few things I look for. Firstly, the coffee has to be top-notch. I love it when they serve freshly brewed coffee with a rich, full-bodied flavour. It's like a little dose of heaven in a cup! Secondly, the atmosphere is important. I prefer a cosy and inviting café with comfortable seating, maybe some nice background music, and friendly staff who make you feel welcome. It's all about creating that perfect ambience for enjoying your coffee.

Small discussion question 2:
What are some activities you enjoy doing at your favourite coffee shop?

Sample answer 2:
Ah, spending time at my favourite coffee shop is one of my favourite things to do! Apart from savouring a delicious cup of coffee, I love to bring along my books or laptop and just relax. It's the perfect place to unwind and get lost in a captivating story or catch up on some work. I often meet up with friends there too. We chat, laugh, and have a great time while enjoying our favourite drinks. It's such a social and enjoyable experience!

Let’s see today’s vocabulary.

First, we have "top-notch(一流の)." Top-notch means of the highest quality or excellence. For example, "The restaurant is known for its top-notch service and delicious cuisine."
Next, we have "full-bodied flavor(濃厚な味)." Full-bodied flavor refers to a taste or flavor that is rich, robust, and intense. For example, "The red wine has a full-bodied flavor with hints of dark berries and spices."
Moving on, we have "inviting(そそるような)." Inviting describes something that is attractive, warm, and welcoming. For example, "The cozy café had an inviting atmosphere with soft lighting and comfortable seating."
Another term is "ambience(雰囲気)." Ambience refers to the atmosphere or mood of a place, often created by its surroundings, decorations, and lightings. For example, "The restaurant's dim lighting and soft music created a romantic ambience."
Lastly, we have "captivating(虜にするような)." Captivating means attracting and holding one's attention or interest. For example, "The art exhibition featured captivating paintings that evoked strong emotions."

That concludes our discussion on "Favourite Coffee Shops." We explored the qualities that make a café our favourite, such as the quality of coffee, inviting atmosphere, and friendly staff. We also discussed activities like reading and socialising that we enjoy at coffee shops. Remember, finding a coffee shop that aligns with your preferences and offers a comfortable and enjoyable experience can enhance your love for coffee and create wonderful memories. Thank you for tuning in to my podcast, and I look forward to bringing you more engaging topics in the future.



