
Episode 31 立食パーティー

Hello my students, welcome to my English learning podcast! Today, we're looking into the world of receptions, which are special gatherings that celebrate moments of joy, achievement, and connection.
Small discussion question 1:
Let's start with our first question: Will you tell me about your experience when you had a reception?
Sample Answer 1:
I remember attending a wedding reception. It was absolutely gorgeous, filled with a blend of glitz and glamour; laughter and music filled the air. But I felt a bit self-conscious during the party and ended up hovering around on my own with nobody else to talk to."
Small Discussion Question 2:
What are the typical dishes at receptions in your country? How do you like them?
Sample Answer 2:
In Japan, when it comes to cuisine, we can enjoy the fusion of traditional Japanese food and modern Western dishes. My favorite is definitely sushi, where sushi chefs whip up the sushi in front of us. We also have a chance to enjoy Western finger foods like chicken wings and fish fingers, but I think sushi is the best!
Let’s see today’s vocabulary.
Firstly, we have 'glitz and glamour(煌びやかさ).' The term refers to the extravagant, dazzling, and often luxurious aspects associated with fashion or entertainment. For example, "The movie premiere was filled with glitz and glamour, with celebrities walking the red carpet."
Next, 'self-conscious(緊張した・人目を気にする)' describes being overly aware or concerned about oneself, leading to feelings of insecurity or awkwardness. For instance, "She felt self-conscious in the fancy restaurant, surrounded by elegantly dressed guests."
Moving on, 'hover around on one's own(1人でウロウロする)' means to walk around without actively engaging or interacting. For example, "At the party, he felt awkward and preferred to hover around on his own."
Next, 'fusion(融合)' refers to the combination or blending of different elements or styles to create something new and unique. For instance, "The restaurant offered a fusion of Eastern and Western cuisines, creating a diverse menu."
Lastly, 'whip up(サッと作る)' means to quickly create or prepare something, often in a creative or skillful manner. For example, "She was able to whip up a delicious meal with just a few ingredients in the fridge."
Whether it's a wedding, graduation, or a business event, receptions are memorable moments. However, be careful not to waste this fantastic occasion by focusing the dishes too much. Thank you for listening! Until next time!


