
I don't wanna compete with others exce…


I don't wanna compete with others except for sports.I just wanna live my life.


The pros of Yoga

I just started to do Yoga a few days ago and I already realize how it makes effects on my body both physically and mentally. Today we spend really busy days because of social media such as Instagram or Twitter or Facebook. Though social med

    • 英語勉強用メモ

      Coronavirus: How India will play a major role in a Covid-19 vaccine US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said last fortnight that India and the US were working together to develop vaccines against the coronavirus.アメリカ国務長官マイク・ポンペオは、アメリカとインドが過去

      • No one can be happy without smile

        Smiling is the best way To face every problem To crush every fear To hide every painThough we face a lot of obstacles in our life, don't forget to keep smiling. Even when you don't feel happy, please try to make a smiling face.

        • Corona depression

          The Corona virus will exact the biggest toll on the global economy since the Great Depression & potentially hit UK harder than the Spanish flu epidemic & WWI. (OBR & IMF) Output loss would dwarf the global financial crisis 12 yrs ago. Only

        The pros of Yoga


          President Trump tweeted that he has the power to reopen states amid the coronavirus pandemic, even though this responsibility is delegated to state governments. When asked about this claim, President Trump falsely claimed that the president
