
Do you think music education is important in a child's education? / あなたは音楽教育はこどもの教育において重要だと思いますか?



Do you think music education is important in a child's education?








Eispi-エイスピ-では、TOEIC TOEFL IELTS VERSANTなど、スピーキングテスト対策に特化した勉強材料を提供していきます。




  • it depends on the person: 人によると思う

  • improve cognitive skills such as memory and concentration: 記憶力や集中力などの認知能力を向上させる

  • I think it's good to learn to play music: 音楽を演奏することは良いと思う

  • develop discipline and perseverance: 規律と忍耐力を発展させる

  • emotional expression: 感情の表現

  • cognitive abilities: 認知能力

  • foster teamwork, discipline, and perseverance: チームワーク、規律、忍耐力を育む

  • academic and professional success: 学業と職業における成功

  • essential qualities for personal growth: 個人的な成長に必要な資質

  • a sense of accomplishment and joy: 達成感と喜びの感覚


■回答例 Level 1 : 簡単な表現を使った短い回答

Hmm, I don't know. I think it's good to learn to play music, but maybe it's not essential. I took guitar lessons for a little while, but I didn't really enjoy it. My friend, on the other hand, loves playing the piano. So, I guess it depends on the person.



■回答例 Level 2 : シンプルな表現を使った回答

Personally, I think learning to play a musical instrument is important. Not only does it improve cognitive skills such as memory and concentration, but it can also be a creative outlet for individuals. For example, when I was younger, I used to play the violin. Although I didn't continue with it, I believe it helped me to develop discipline and perseverance, which are important qualities in any aspect of life.



■回答例 Level 3 : フォーマルな表現を使った回答

In my opinion, learning to play a musical instrument is an essential aspect of education. Firstly, it provides a medium for emotional expression and can be a powerful tool for communication. Additionally, it can improve cognitive abilities, such as memory, coordination, and concentration. Moreover, studying music can foster teamwork, discipline, and perseverance, which are essential qualities in both personal and professional contexts. Personally, I have played the piano for many years, and I believe it has helped me to develop these skills and more.



■回答例 Level 4 : 少し難しい表現を使った回答

I strongly believe that learning to play a musical instrument is an essential part of education. Firstly, music has a unique ability to connect people, express emotions, and convey ideas. Secondly, it can improve cognitive functions such as memory, attention, and spatial reasoning, which are important for academic and professional success. Moreover, music education can foster creativity, discipline, perseverance, and teamwork, which are essential qualities for personal growth and success in any field. In my experience, learning to play the guitar has helped me to become more creative and patient, and it has also provided me with a sense of accomplishment and joy. Therefore, I believe music education should be a fundamental part of every student's education.




  1. cognitive - 認知の

  2. outlet - 出口、はけ口

  3. violin - バイオリン

  4. discipline - 規律、訓練

  5. perseverance - 忍耐力、粘り強さ

  6. aspect - 側面、局面

  7. medium - 手段、媒介物

  8. emotional - 感情の

  9. expression - 表現、表出

  10. cognitive - 認知の

  11. coordination - 調整、協調

  12. foster - 促進する、養育する

  13. teamwork - チームワーク

  14. professional - 専門職の、プロの

  15. cognitive - 認知の

  16. unique - 独特の、唯一の

  17. connect - 結びつける、つながる

  18. convey - 伝える、運ぶ

  19. academic - 学問的な、学校の

  20. spatial - 空間の

  21. reasoning - 推論、論理思考

  22. foster - 促進する、養育する

  23. creativity - 創造性、創造力

  24. perseverance - 忍耐力、粘り強さ

  25. personal - 個人的な、私的な

  26. growth - 成長、発展

  27. success - 成功、成功すること

  28. fundamental - 基本的な、根本的な

  29. cognitive - 認知の

  30. accomplishment - 達成、業績

  31. academic - 学問的な、学校の

  32. professional - 専門職の、プロの

  33. essential - 必要不可欠な

  34. cognitive - 認知の

  35. spatial - 空間の

  36. reasoning - 推論、論理思考

  37. foster - 促進する、養育する

  38. perseverance - 忍耐力、粘り強さ

  39. fundamental - 基本的な、根本的な


Eispi -エイスピ- では英語スピーキングテスト対策に特化して定期的に発信します。


