
Which do you think is better: people who follow one career or people who do different types of work? / 一つのキャリアを歩む人かさまざまな種類の仕事をする人のどちらが良いと思いますか?



Which do you think is better: people who follow one career or people who do different types of work?









Eispi-エイスピ-では、TOEIC TOEFL IELTS VERSANTなど、スピーキングテスト対策に特化した勉強材料を提供していきます。




  • "it can make your life more interesting": それはあなたの人生をより面白くすることができる

  • "having different careers can be beneficial in many ways": 異なるキャリアを持つことは、多くの方法で有益である可能性がある

  • "reduce the risk of burnout and job boredom": 無気力や仕事の退屈さのリスクを減らす

  • "changing careers can offer new opportunities": キャリアの変更により、新しい機会が提供される可能性がある

  • "it allows individuals to broaden their perspectives and gain diverse experiences": それにより、個人は視野を広げ、多様な経験を得ることができる

  • "people can develop new skills and increase their employability": 人々は新しいスキルを開発し、雇用可能性を高めることができる

  • "changing careers can provide a chance for personal growth and fulfillment": キャリアの変更により、個人の成長と充足感の機会が提供される可能性がある

  • "each experience has taught me valuable lessons": 各経験は私に貴重な教訓を教えてくれた


■回答-レベル1- : 簡単な表現を使った短い回答

Well, I'm not sure, but maybe it's good to have different jobs. I think it can make your life more interesting. My uncle worked as a teacher his whole life, but my dad worked in many different jobs. They both seem happy, though. So, maybe it doesn't matter so much.



■回答 -レベル2- : 簡単な表現を使った回答

In my opinion, it's better to try out different jobs throughout your life. By doing so, you can gain various experiences and skills that can be useful in the future. For example, my mom worked as a nurse for many years but later switched to being a real estate agent. Her experience as a nurse helped her to communicate better with clients who had health-related concerns. So, I think having different careers can be beneficial in many ways.



■回答 -レベル3- : こなれた表現を使った回答

I believe it's better to have different kinds of work at different points in life. Firstly, it provides a chance to explore various fields, find what suits you best, and develop new skills. Secondly, it reduces the risk of burnout and job boredom, which can be quite common when someone sticks to the same career for their entire life. Lastly, changing careers can offer new opportunities, such as a better work-life balance, more job satisfaction, and even a higher income. For instance, my friend changed her career from an engineer to a yoga instructor, and now she has a much more balanced and fulfilling life.



■回答 -レベル4- : 少し難しい表現を使った回答

In my opinion, it's more advantageous to have different careers throughout life. The primary reason is that it allows individuals to broaden their perspectives and gain diverse experiences that can help them to adapt better to changing circumstances. Moreover, people can develop new skills and increase their employability, which can be especially beneficial in the current fast-paced and competitive job market. Finally, changing careers can provide a chance for personal growth and fulfillment, as individuals can explore their passions and find meaning in their work. Personally, I have had multiple careers, including working as a journalist and a teacher, and each experience has taught me valuable lessons that I wouldn't have learned otherwise.




  1. adapt: 適応する

  2. beneficial: 有益な

  3. boredom: 退屈

  4. burnout: 疲れ果てること

  5. career: 職業

  6. circumstances: 状況

  7. communicate: コミュニケーションを取る

  8. competitive: 競争的な

  9. develop: 開発する、発達する

  10. diverse: 多様な

  11. employability: 就職可能性

  12. experience: 経験

  13. explore: 探索する

  14. fulfilling: 充実した

  15. gain: 獲得する

  16. higher: より高い

  17. income: 収入

  18. advantageous: 有利な

  19. job market: 就職市場

  20. job satisfaction: 仕事の満足度

  21. kinds: 種類

  22. lessons: 教訓

  23. life: 人生

  24. multiple: 複数の

  25. opportunities: 機会

  26. personal growth: 個人的成長

  27. perspectives: 見方、視野

  28. primary: 主要な

  29. reduces: 減らす

  30. risk: リスク、危険

  31. skills: スキル、能力

  32. sticks: 固執する

  33. suit: 適する

  34. switching: 転職

  35. throughout: 全体を通して

  36. uncle: おじ

  37. various: さまざまな

  38. work-life balance: 仕事と生活のバランス

  39. yoga: ヨガ


Eispi -エイスピ- では英語スピーキングテスト対策に特化して定期的に発信します。


