
When reading a book, do you prefer e-books or paper books? / 電子書籍と紙の本どっちが好きですか?



When reading a book, do you prefer e-books or paper books?









Eispi-エイスピ-では、TOEIC TOEFL IELTS VERSANTなど、スピーキングテスト対策に特化した勉強材料を提供していきます。




  • "I like both, but I think I prefer paper books." : 両方好きだけど、紙の本の方が好きだと思う。

  • "There's something about the tactile experience of holding a book and turning the pages that I really enjoy." : 本を持ってページをめくる触覚的な体験に何かがあって、それが好き。

  • "I also love the smell of books" : 本の匂いも好き。

  • "While e-books are convenient and easily accessible, there's something about the physicality of a book that cannot be replicated on a screen." : 電子書籍は便利で手軽だけど、紙の本にある物質的な要素はスクリーンでは再現できない。

  • "I enjoy the tactile experience of holding a book, feeling the texture of the paper, and smelling the pages." : 本を持って、紙の質感を感じたり、ページの匂いを嗅いだりする触覚的な体験が楽しい。

  • "While e-books have some advantages, such as portability and searchability, I prefer the traditional method of reading." : 電子書籍には携帯性や検索性などの利点があるけれど、私は伝統的な読書方法が好き。

  • "I enjoy the feeling of holding a book and the sound of the pages turning." : 本を持っている感触やページをめくる音が楽しい。

  • "I also like to see the cover and artwork of the book." : カバーや本のアートワークも見るのが好き。

  • "In the end, I appreciate both mediums of reading, but if I had to choose, I would go with paper books." : 最終的に、私はどちらの読書媒体も大切に思っているけど、選ぶとしたら紙の本を選ぶだろう。


■回答-レベル1- : 簡単な表現を使った短い回答

Um, I like both, but I think I prefer paper books. I like the feeling of holding a physical book and flipping the pages. It's a different experience than reading on a screen.


■回答 -レベル2- : 簡単な表現を使った回答

I like both e-books and paper books, but if I had to choose, I would go with paper books. There's something about the tactile experience of holding a book and turning the pages that I really enjoy. I also love the smell of books, and it's something that you can't get with e-books. One time, I tried reading a book on my phone, but I found it hard to concentrate and ended up getting distracted by notifications on my phone.


■回答 -レベル3- : こなれた表現を使った回答

As an avid reader, I have experience with both e-books and paper books, but I prefer paper books. While e-books are convenient and easily accessible, there's something about the physicality of a book that cannot be replicated on a screen. I enjoy the tactile experience of holding a book, feeling the texture of the paper, and smelling the pages. One time, I borrowed a book from a friend, and the book had notes and annotations on the margins. It was interesting to see another person's thoughts and insights on the book. While e-books have some advantages, such as portability and searchability, I prefer the traditional method of reading.


■回答 -レベル4- : 少し難しい表現を使った回答

I have a great appreciation for both e-books and paper books, and I think they both have their merits. E-books are convenient, and you can carry thousands of books in one device. They're also environmentally friendly, as they don't require paper or physical storage space. However, there's something about the experience of reading a physical book that can't be replaced. I enjoy the feeling of holding a book and the sound of the pages turning. I also like to see the cover and artwork of the book. One time, I was reading a novel, and I accidentally dropped it in the bathtub. Although it was frustrating at the time, it added character and a story to the book. In the end, I appreciate both mediums of reading, but if I had to choose, I would go with paper books.



  1. tactile: 触覚の、触れることができる

  2. replicated: 複製された

  3. texture: 織り模様、質感

  4. annotations: 注釈、解説

  5. portability: 携帯性

  6. searchability: 検索可能性

  7. merits: 長所、利点

  8. environmentally friendly: 環境に優しい

  9. character: 特徴、性格、個性

  10. mediums: 媒体、手段

  11. avid: 熱心な、熱中する

  12. experience: 経験、体験する

  13. concentration: 集中、濃縮度

  14. distracted: 気を散らす、注意散漫な

  15. notifications: 通知、お知らせ

  16. flipping: ページをめくる

  17. convenient: 便利な

  18. accessible: 利用可能な、アクセス可能な

  19. traditional: 伝統的な

  20. e-books: 電子書籍

  21. physicality: 物理的性質、物質的存在

  22. advantages: 利点、優位性

  23. artwork: 芸術作品、美術品

  24. frustrated: 挫折した、いらいらした

  25. appreciate: 感謝する、高く評価する

  26. e-book: 電子書籍

  27. device: 装置、デバイス

  28. storage: 貯蔵、ストレージ

  29. concentration: 集中、濃度

  30. distractions: 気を散らすもの、妨げ

  31. annotations: 注釈、解説

  32. insights: 洞察、見識、理解

  33. portable: 携帯可能な

  34. environmentally friendly: 環境に優しい

  35. character: 特徴、性格、個性

  36. mediums: 媒体、手段

  37. concentration: 集中、濃縮度

  38. distractions: 気を散らすもの、妨げ

  39. portability: 携帯性


Eispi -エイスピ- では英語スピーキングテスト対策に特化して定期的に発信します。
