
Q. たくさん友達がいた方がいいと思いますか? / Do you think it is important for people to have a lot of friends?



Do you think it is important for people to have a lot of friends?







Eispi-エイスピ-では、TOEIC TOEFL IELTS VERSANTなど、スピーキングテスト対策に特化した勉強材料を提供していきます。




  1. having a lot of friends can be nice - 「たくさんの友達がいるのはいいことかもしれない」

  2. it's not really important - 「それほど重要ではない」

  3. few good friends that you can trust - 「信頼できる少数の良い友達」

  4. big group of friends - 「大きな友達グループ」

  5. we didn't really have much in common - 「実際、共通点はあまりなかった」

  6. trying to please everyone - 「誰にでも気を使っていた」

  7. it's nice to have lots of acquaintances - 「知り合いが多いのはいいこと」

  8. essential for a happy life - 「幸せな人生に必要なこと」

  9. having a large social circle - 「大きな社交界を持つこと」

  10. different perspectives and experiences - 「様々な視点や経験」

  11. quality over quantity - 「量よりも質」

  12. meaningful relationships - 「意義ある人間関係」

  13. career advancement - 「キャリアアップ」

  14. overall enjoyment - 「全体的な楽しみ」

  15. challenge me to be a better person - 「より良い人間になるように挑戦する」

  16. deep connections - 「深いつながり」

  17. fulfilling life - 「充実した人生」

  18. depends on what one values in life - 「人生に何を価値を置くかによる」

  19. essential for a fulfilling life - 「充実した人生に必要なこと」


■回答例 Level 1 : 簡単な表現を使った短い回答

Hmm, let me think... Well, I guess having a lot of friends can be nice, but it's not really important. I mean, it's more important to have a few good friends that you can trust and rely on. I remember when I was in school, I had a big group of friends, but we didn't really have much in common. I felt like I was always trying to please everyone, and it was kind of exhausting. So yeah, I don't think having a lot of friends is that important.

▶︎日本語訳(直訳) Level1


■回答例 Level 2 : シンプルな表現を使った回答

In my opinion, having a lot of friends is not necessarily important. It's better to have a few close friends who really understand you and support you. I remember when I was going through a tough time, my best friend was always there for me, and I felt so grateful to have her in my life. Of course, it's nice to have lots of acquaintances and people to hang out with, but I don't think it's essential for a happy life.

▶︎日本語訳(直訳) Level 2


■回答例 Level 3 : フォーマルな表現を使った回答

While having a large social circle can bring some benefits, such as access to different perspectives and experiences, I believe that having a few close friends is more important. Quality over quantity, you know? I have a friend who I've known since childhood, and even though we live in different cities now, we still talk on the phone every week. She knows me better than anyone else, and I know I can count on her no matter what. So, to answer the question, I don't think it's necessary to have a lot of friends, but it's important to cultivate meaningful relationships.

▶︎日本語訳(直訳) Level 3


■回答例 Level 4 : 少し難しい表現を使った回答

The question of whether it is important to have a lot of friends is a complex one, and my answer would be that it depends on what one values in life. For some, having a large social network might be a priority, as it can bring opportunities for career advancement, socializing, and overall enjoyment. However, for me personally, I believe that having a few close friends is more valuable. These are the people who know me well, support me unconditionally, and challenge me to be a better person. I recall a time when I was struggling with a difficult decision, and my friends helped me weigh the pros and cons and ultimately make the best choice. In short, I think that having a lot of friends can be nice, but having a few deep connections is essential for a fulfilling life.

▶︎日本語訳(直訳) Level 4



  1. concrete - 具体的な

  2. rely on - 頼る、依存する

  3. exhausting - 疲れさせる、疲弊する

  4. essential - 不可欠な、必要不可欠な

  5. priority - 優先事項

  6. advancement - 前進、進歩

  7. socializing - 社交的な活動

  8. overall - 全般的な、全体的な

  9. unconditionally - 無条件で

  10. cultivate - 育成する、培う

  11. acquaintances - 知人、知り合い

  12. reliable - 信頼できる

  13. genuine - 真の、本物の

  14. authentic - 本物の、真正な

  15. compatible - 相性の良い、適合する

  16. outgoing - 社交的な、外向的な

  17. introverted - 内向的な、引っ込み思案の

  18. extroverted - 外向的な、社交的な

  19. gregarious - 社交的な、群居性の

  20. solitude - 孤独、独りでいること

  21. enriching - 豊かにする、豊かな

  22. perspective - 視点、見解

  23. wellbeing - 健康、幸福

  24. contentment - 満足、幸福感

  25. reassuring - 安心させる、心強い

  26. reciprocal - 相互の、互恵的な

  27. empathetic - 共感的な、感情移入できる

  28. trustworthy - 信頼できる、信頼性のある

  29. authentic - 本物の、真正な

  30. meaningful - 意味のある、意義深い

  31. fulfilling - 満足のいく、充実し



EISPI-エイスピ-では、TOEIC TOEFL IELTS VERSANT リンガスキル などのスピーキングテスト対策に特化した



