
What type of books do you most enjoy? / どんな本があなたは好きですか?



What type of books do you most enjoy?








Eispi-エイスピ-では、TOEIC TOEFL IELTS VERSANTなど、スピーキングテスト対策に特化した勉強材料を提供していきます。




  • I really like to read romance books. (ロマンス小説が好きです)

  • They're really interesting to me. (私にとっては本当に興味深いです)

  • I love hearing about the relationships between the characters. (登場人物たちの関係について聞くのが大好きです)

  • It's really fun to see how they fall in love and all the challenges they face. (彼らが恋に落ちる様子や、直面する様々な課題を見るのが楽しいです)

  • Yeah, I just love romance books. (そう、私はロマンス小説が大好きです)

  • I'm a big fan of mystery novels. (私はミステリー小説の大ファンです)

  • I think they're really exciting and keep me on the edge of my seat. (私はそれらが本当にエキサイティングで、どきどきさせてくれると思います)

  • There were so many twists and turns that I couldn't put the book down. (登場人物が何度も方向転換するので、本を置くことができませんでした)

  • I love the feeling of trying to solve the mystery along with the characters. (私はキャラクターたちと一緒にミステリーを解決しようとする感覚が大好きです)

  • Out of all the different types of books, I enjoy biographies the most. (さまざまな種類の本の中で、私は伝記が最も好きです)

  • It's fascinating to read about someone's life and how they overcame challenges. (誰かの人生や、どのように課題を克服したかを読むのは魅力的です)

  • It was really inspiring to see how he built the company from the ground up and the struggles he faced along the way. (彼が会社を地道に立ち上げた様子や、途中で直面した困難に直面する姿勢は、本当に感動的でした)

  • It's a great way to learn about history and gain insight into the lives of successful people. (歴史について学ぶ素晴らしい方法であり、成功した人々の人生を理解するための洞察を得ることができます)

  • As an avid reader, I find myself drawn to books that offer insight into the human experience. (熱心な読者として、人間の経験に洞察を提供する本に惹かれる自分がいます)

  • for me, that comes in the form of literary fiction. (私にとっては、文学小説の形で現れます)


■回答例 Level 1 : 簡単な表現を使った短い回答

Um, I really like to read romance books. They're really interesting to me because I love hearing about the relationships between the characters. It's really fun to see how they fall in love and all the challenges they face. Yeah, I just love romance books.



■回答例 Level 2 : シンプルな表現を使った回答

I'm a big fan of mystery novels. I think they're really exciting and keep me on the edge of my seat. I remember reading this one book where the main character was a detective trying to solve a murder case. There were so many twists and turns that I couldn't put the book down. I love the feeling of trying to solve the mystery along with the characters.



■回答例 Level 3 : フォーマルな表現を使った回答

Out of all the different types of books, I enjoy biographies the most. It's fascinating to read about someone's life and how they overcame challenges. I remember reading a biography about Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple. It was really inspiring to see how he built the company from the ground up and the struggles he faced along the way. It's a great way to learn about history and gain insight into the lives of successful people.



■回答例 Level 4 : 少し難しい表現を使った回答

As an avid reader, I find myself drawn to books that offer insight into the human experience, and for me, that comes in the form of literary fiction. I love exploring complex characters and their inner lives, and the way they interact with the world around them. One book that really stands out to me is "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald. The characters are all flawed and struggling to find their place in the world, and the writing is so beautiful that I found myself completely immersed in the story. Reading literature like this helps me to understand the world in a deeper way, and I find it incredibly rewarding.




  1. Avid - 熱心な

  2. Drawn - 惹かれる

  3. Literary - 文学の

  4. Immersed - 没頭した

  5. Rewarding - やりがいのある

  6. Complex - 複雑な

  7. Characters - 登場人物

  8. Inner - 内面的な

  9. Lives - 人生

  10. Interact - 交流する

  11. World - 世界

  12. Flawed - 欠陥のある

  13. Struggling - 苦闘する

  14. Place - 場所

  15. Writing - 著作、執筆

  16. Completely - 完全に

  17. Fiction - 小説、フィクション

  18. Stands out - 目立つ

  19. The Great Gatsby - 『グレート・ギャツビー』

  20. Deeper - より深く

  21. Incredibly - 信じられないほど

  22. Insight - 洞察

  23. Successful - 成功した

  24. Co-founder - 共同創業者

  25. Apple - アップル

  26. Ground up - 基礎から

  27. Struggles - 苦闘、困難

  28. Overcame - 克服する

  29. Fascinating - 魅力的な

  30. Detective - 刑事

  31. Murder - 殺人

  32. Twists - 展開の意外な変化

  33. Turns - 展開、筋道

  34. Edge - 緊張感

  35. Seat - 席

  36. Romance - ロマンス、恋愛


Eispi -エイスピ- では英語スピーキングテスト対策に特化して定期的に発信します。


