
【ジョイ・ディヴィジョン|ラヴ・ウィル・テア・アス・アパート】英語版ウィキペディアを読む【Joy Division|Love Will Tear Us Apart】

"Love Will Tear Us Apart" is a song by English rock band Joy Division, released in June 1980 as a non-album single.

"Love Will Tear Us Apart "は、イギリスのロックバンドJoy Divisionが1980年6月にノンアルバムシングルとして発表した楽曲である。

Its lyrics were inspired by lead singer Ian Curtis's marital problems and struggles with epilepsy.


The single was released the month after his suicide.


The song was certified platinum in the UK, selling over 600,000 copies, and has an ongoing legacy as a defining song of the era.


In 2002, NME named "Love Will Tear Us Apart" as the greatest single of all time, while Rolling Stone named it one of the 500 best songs ever in 2004, 2011, and 2021.

2002年、NMEは「Love Will Tear Us Apart」を史上最高のシングルに選び、ローリング・ストーンは2004年、2011年、2021年に史上最高の500曲のひとつに選出した。


"Love Will Tear Us Apart" was written about Ian Curtis' troubled relationship with his wife, Deborah Woodruff, whom he married in August 1975.
"Love Will Tear Us Apart "は、イアン・カーティスが1975年8月に結婚した妻デボラ・ウッドラフとのトラブルについて書かれたものである。

Additionally, it deals with his own struggles with epilepsy, which he was diagnosed with in 1979, and the overwhelming stress of holding down a day job and his growing career as a singer.

At a Joy Division gig in October 1979, Curtis met Belgian journalist and music promoter Annik Honoré and the two began a relationship, which caused further distress between Curtis and Woodruff.

Speaking about her relationship with Curtis in a 2010 interview with Belgian magazine supplement Focus, Honoré said: It was a completely pure and platonic relationship, very childish, very chaste… I did not have a sexual relationship with Ian, he was on medication, which rendered it a non-physical relationship. I am so fed up that people question my word or his: people can say whatever they want, but I am the only person to have his letters… One of his letters says that the relationship with his wife Deborah had already finished prior to us meeting each other.


Joy Division first recorded "Love Will Tear Us Apart" at Pennine Studios, Oldham, on 8 January 1980, along with the B-side, "These Days".
ジョイ・ディヴィジョンは1980年1月8日にオールダムのペナイン・スタジオで「Love Will Tear Us Apart」をB面の「These Days」とともに初めてレコーディングした。

This version was similar to the version the band played live.

However, singer Ian Curtis and producer Martin Hannett disliked the results and the band reconvened at Strawberry Studios, Stockport in March to re-record it.

Drummer Stephen Morris recalled: Martin Hannett played one of his mind games when we were recording it – it sounds like he was a tyrant, but he wasn't, he was nice. We had this one battle where it was nearly midnight and I said, "Is it all right if I go home, Martin – it's been a long day?" And he said [whispers], "OK ... you go home". So I went back to the flat. Just got to sleep and the phone rings. "Martin wants you to come back and do the snare drum". At four in the morning! I said, "What's wrong with the snare drum!?" So every time I hear "Love Will Tear Us Apart", I grit my teeth and remember myself shouting down the phone, "YOU BASTARD!" ... I can feel the anger in it even now. It's a great song and it's a great production, but I do get anguished every time I hear it.
ドラマーのスティーブン・モリスはこう振り返る。「マーティン・ハネットは、レコーディングの時に心理的な駆け引きをしたんだ。まるで彼が暴君のように聞こえるけど、そうじゃなくて、彼はいい人だった。 ある時、真夜中近くになって、俺が『マーティン。長い一日だったから、家に帰ってもいいかな?』って言ったんだ。すると、彼は(小声で)『わかった..….。帰れよ。』と言ったんで、俺はアパートに戻った。ちょうど寝ようとしたときに電話がかかってきた。『マーティンが戻ってスネアドラムを叩けって。』朝の4時にね。俺は『スネアドラムの何がいけないんだ!』と言ったよ。だから、『Love Will Tear Us Apart』を聴くたびに、歯を食いしばって、電話口で『この野郎!』と叫んでいた自分を思い出すよ。... 今でもその怒りが伝わってくるよ。いい曲だし、いいプロダクションなんだけど、聴くたびに苦しくなるんだ。」

The guitar on the recording, a 12-string Eko guitar, was played by Bernard Sumner.

While Curtis generally did not play guitar, to perform the song live, the band taught him how to strum a D major chord.

Sumner said: Ian didn't really want to play guitar, but for some reason we wanted him to play it. I can't remember the reason now ... We showed him how to play D and we wrote a song. I wonder if that's why we wrote "Love Will Tear Us Apart", you could drone a D through it. I think he played it live because I was playing keyboards.
サムナーは言った。「イアンは本当はギターを弾きたくなかったんだけど、なぜか僕らは彼にギターを弾いてほしかったんだ。今となってはその理由は思い出せないが・・・。Dの弾き方を教えて、曲を作ったんだ。だから『Love Will Tear Us Apart』を書いたのかな、Dをドリルで弾き通せるんだ。僕がキーボードを弾いていたから、彼はライブでそれを演奏したと思う。」

While Joy Division were recording, U2 were in the studio to see Hannett about producing their single "11 O'Clock Tick Tock".
ジョイ・ディビジョンのレコーディング中、U2はシングル「11 O'Clock Tick Tock」の制作についてハネットに相談しにスタジオに来ていた。

U2 singer Bono said of the encounter: Talking to Ian Curtis is ... or was a strange experience because he's very warm ... he talked—it was like two people inside of him—he talked very light, and he talked very well-mannered, and very polite. But when he got behind the microphone he really surged forth; there was another energy. It seemed like he was just two people and, you know, "Love Will Tear Us Apart", it was like [when] that record was released ... it was like, as if, there were the personalities, separate; there they were, torn apart.
U2のボーカル、ボノはこの出会いについてこう語っている。「イアン・カーティスと話すのは......あるいは奇妙な経験だった。彼はとても温かい人だから......まるで彼の中に二人の人間がいるようだった。でも、マイクを握ると、彼は本当に生き生きとして、別のエネルギーがある。まるで二人の人間のようで、『Love Will Tear Us Apart』のレコードがリリースされると......まるで、人格が別々に存在し、それが引き裂かれているような感じだった。」


It was first recorded for a John Peel session in November 1979, then re-recorded in January 1980 and March 1980.

It is the latter version that appears on the 1988 Substance album.

The January 1980 version, which has become known as the "Pennine version", originally appeared as one of the single's B-sides.

"Love Will Tear Us Apart" became Joy Division's first chart hit, reaching number 13 in the UK Singles Chart.
"Love Will Tear Us Apart "はジョイ・ディビジョン初のチャートヒットとなり、全英シングルチャートで13位を記録した。

The following month, the single topped the UK Indie Chart.

The song also peaked at number 42 on the Billboard disco chart in October 1980.

"Love Will Tear Us Apart" also reached number 1 in New Zealand in June 1981.
"Love Will Tear Us Apart "は1981年6月にニュージーランドでも1位を獲得した。

The single was re-released in 1983 and reached number 19 on the UK charts and number 3 in New Zealand during March 1984.

In 1985, the 7" single was released in Poland by Tonpress in different sleeve under licence from Factory and sold over 20,000 copies.

In November 1988, it made one more Top 40 appearance in New Zealand, peaking at number 39.

Cover photo(ジャケット写真)

According to Curtis's wife Deborah, to create the single cover photo, the song title was etched upon a sheet of metal; this was aged with acid and exposed to the weather to create the appearance of a stone slab.

For the 12" version of the single, a photograph of a grieving angel on the Ribaudo family tomb in Genoa's Monumental Cemetery of Staglieno (sculpted by Onorato Toso c. 1910) was used.

The photograph was taken by Bernard Pierre Wolff in 1978.

Music video(ミュージック・ビデオ)

The video was shot by the band themselves on 25 April 1980 as they rehearsed the song at T. J. Davidson's studio, in Knott Mill, Manchester city centre, where the band had previously rehearsed during the early days of their career.

At the start of the video, the door that opens and shuts is carved with Ian Curtis' name; reportedly this was the beginning of an abusive message (the rest later erased) carved into the door.

Due to poor production, the video's colour is 'browned out' at some points.

Also, as the track recorded during the recording of the video was poor, it was replaced with the single-edit recording of the song by the band's record company in Australia, leading to problems with the synchronisation of music and video.

This edited version of the music video would later become the official version due to the improvement of sound quality.

This was the only promotional video the band ever produced as Ian Curtis hanged himself three weeks after the video was recorded.


"Love Will Tear Us Apart" was named NME Single of the Year in 1980, and was listed as the best single of all time by NME in 2002.
"Love Will Tear Us Apart "は1980年のNMEシングル・オブ・ザ・イヤーに選ばれ、2002年にはNMEのベスト・シングル・オブ・オールタイムにリストアップされている。

In May 2007, NME placed it at number 19 in its list of the 50 Greatest Indie Anthems Ever, one place ahead of another Joy Division song, "Transmission".
2007年5月、NME誌が発表した「50 Greatest Indie Anthems Ever」で、同じくJoy Divisionの楽曲「Transmission」を1ランク上回る19位にランクインした。

The song is also listed as being one of the 5 best indie songs of all time in the "All Time Indie Top 50".

In 2004, the song was listed by Rolling Stone magazine at number 179 in its list of the "500 Greatest Songs of All Time".

In 2011, the song was listed at number 181.

In the 2021 update of the list, it had risen to 41.

The song reached number 1 in the inaugural Triple J Hottest 100 music poll of 1989 and again in 1990.
この曲は1989年のTriple J Hottest 100の投票で1位を獲得し、1990年にも再び1位を獲得した。

When being interviewed for New Order Story, Neil Tennant of the Pet Shop Boys stated that "Love Will Tear Us Apart" was his favourite pop song of all time.
ペット・ショップ・ボーイズのニール・テナントは、『New Order Story』の取材を受けた際、「Love Will Tear Us Apart」が最も好きなポップソングだと語っている。

At Christmas 2011, listeners of Dublin's Phantom FM voted "Love Will Tear Us Apart" as their favourite song of all time.
2011年のクリスマス、ダブリンのPhantom FMのリスナーは、「Love Will Tear Us Apart」を最も好きな曲として投票した。

Furthermore, in 2012, in celebration of the NME's 60th anniversary, a list of the 100 Greatest Songs of NME's Lifetime was compiled, and the list was topped by "Love Will Tear Us Apart".
さらに2012年、NME創刊60周年を記念して「NME生涯の名曲100選」が作成され、そのトップは「Love Will Tear Us Apart」だった。

Serbian rock musician, journalist and writer Dejan Cukić wrote about "Love Will Tear Us Apart" as one of the 45 songs that changed history of popular music in his 2007 book 45 obrtaja: Priče o pesmama.
セルビアのロックミュージシャン、ジャーナリスト、作家であるデヤン・キュキッチ氏は、2007年の著書『45 obrtaja: Priče o pesmama』で、「Love Will Tear Us Apart」をポピュラー音楽の歴史を変えた45曲の一つとして取り上げている。

In 2015, the online magazine Pitchfork ranked "Love Will Tear Us Apart" seventh on its list of the "200 best songs of the 1980s".
2015年、オンライン雑誌『Pitchfork』が発表した「1980年代のベスト200曲」で「Love Will Tear Us Apart」は7位にランクインした。

Following Curtis's suicide, his wife Deborah had the phrase "Love Will Tear Us Apart" inscribed on his memorial stone.
カーティスの自殺後、妻のデボラは彼の記念石に「Love Will Tear Us Apart」という言葉を刻ませた。

In June 2013, Mighty Box Games released Will Love Tear Us Apart?, a browser-based video game that adapts every verse of the song into a level.
2013年6月、Mighty Box Gamesは、曲の全バースをレベルに適応させたブラウザベースのビデオゲーム『Will Love Tear Us Apart?』をリリースした。
