
中・高 #3-2: Texting friends (友達に連絡する)(後)


前回は、「Texting friends」をトピックに、教師による話題提示と質問、生徒間でのインターアクション、そして全体での共有という流れの展開例を示しました。


【展開例】 生徒自身の考えを伝え合い、相手が話したことをクラス全体に共有する

T: It’s spring now. In spring, many new things happen. You meet new people and make friends. When you make friends with people, do you ask their phone number? Maybe not. You ask their LINE accounts, don’t you?

- When you meet new people and make friends, do you ask their phone number or exchange LINE accounts?

S1, Do you ask their phone number or exchange LINE accounts?

S1: I exchange LINE accounts.
T: Does your partner ask their phone number or exchange LINE accounts?
S1: She exchanges LINE accounts.
T: She doesn’t ask their phone number?
S1: She asks their phone number, too.
T: Oh, she does both.


When you meet new people and make friends, do you ask their phone number or exchange LINE
 という質問に対して、生徒の多くは ”I exchange LINE accounts.” と答えるでしょう。しかし、指導者としてはここで示したように、さらなる質問をするなどして、より「現実に近い」情報を引き出す努力をしたいところです。

T: By the way, can you tell your phone number without looking at your phone? I know some of you can’t. 

- Can you tell your phone number without looking at your phone?

S2, can you tell your phone number without looking at your phone?

S2: Yes, I can. I can tell my phone number without looking at my phone.
T: Can your partner tell her phone number without looking at her phone?
S2: Actually, she can’t. She can’t tell her phone number without looking at her phone.
T:What does she do when she doesn’t have her phone? When I was in your age, I had to memorize all the phone numbers of my friends.


Can you tell your phone number without looking at your phone? もまた、生徒によって答えが分かれるので、全体でやり取りを共有することができます。必要に応じて、全体に問い掛けてもよいでしょう。

T: Which do you like better, calling your friends or texting your friends? I like calling friends better as I can’t type fast on the phone. Do you find it easy to type on the phone?

- Do you find it easy to type on the phone?

T: S3, do you find it easy to type on the phone?

S3: Yes, I find it easy to type on the phone.
T: How about your partner? Does she find it easy to type on the phone.
S3: Yes, she finds it easy to type on the phone.
T: Well then, everyone, do you find it easy to type on keyboards of computers? I know some of you find it difficult, because you are too much used to touch typing.


Do you find it easy to type on the phone?

T: Do you text your friends often? I text my friends about seven to ten times a day. How many times do you text your friends a day? 

- How many times do you text your friends a day?

T: S4, how many times do you text your friends a day?

S4: I text my friends about twenty to thirty times a day.
T: Twenty to thirty times! That’s a lot! Then, how many times does your partner text her friends a day?
S4: She texts her friends more than fifty times.
T: Really? More than fifty times! Why don’t you phone them?

S5: Well, actually, I don't find it difficult to text my friends many times a day at all. 
T: Now, I remember, about twenty year ago students loved using pager. They typed their messages on the pager so fast.

How many times do you text your friends a day? 

#2-1や#2-2で紹介した「In the morning」をトピックとする展開例のなかにも、How many times do you... a day? という質問を使ったやり取りがありました。別のトピックで同じ表現を用いるやり取りを行うと、定着率が上がります。

最後に指導者が触れているpagerとは、ポケベルのことです。ポケベルでメッセージを打つのは、今のスマートフォンを使っての場合に比べてはるかに大変だったことを知っている生徒もいるのではないでしょうか? 必要に応じて英語でポケベルの場合のメッセージの打ち方を紹介してもよいかもしれません。これもRealia + Triviaを用いた指導例でした。

今回は「Texting friends」をトピックとした展開例をご紹介しました。生徒が積極的に取り組むやり取りを考えるなら、今回のように生徒にとって身近な話題を扱う必要があります。指導者は、生徒がどんなことに興味・関心を持っているのか、普段の学校生活を通して常にモニターしておくべきでしょう。生徒は指導者のそのような努力を常に評価しているのです。

次回の”Small Talk”は5月8日(金)に配信予定です。