
WISHING 08/16/22 BCGワクチンの増産と接種拡大の勧めRecommendation to Increase BCG Vaccine Production and Expand Vaccination


一方、専門家にとって、一般の風邪ウイルスが常に変異を繰り返すことは、周知の事実です。驚くに値しないことですが、それと同じように、コロナウイルスも変異を永遠に繰り返し続けることがすでに明らかになり、世界ではコロナが永遠になくならないことが既定路線になっています (1037)。そして、人類は未だに汎コロナワクチンを手に入れることができていません。






この無作為化二重盲検プラセボ対照第 Ⅱ/Ⅲ 相試験では、研究結果がCOVID-19ワクチンの影響を受けない未接種者であって、かつコロナにかかって重症化しやすいためにBCG接種という介入効果の違いがはっきりと現れやすい1型糖尿病の成人集団で行われました。










そのおかげだけではありませんが、現在でも、日本の累積症例数は世界最低水準、致死率も世界最低です (1038)。

日本には、コロナワクチンよりもよほど安全性が高いことが世界的に確立されているBCGワクチンの増産体制をいち早く整えて、米国や世界に先んじて人類に貢献できるポテンシャルがあるはずです (1039)。

It is assumed that the reason why Japanese people like to keep counting the number of waves is based on the misconception that the corona wave will disappear sooner or later. Because of this wishful thinking, the idea of postponing the outbreak until the current outbreak is over is still being repeated, and there is no sign of any rational and natural change in the medical care delivery system or system for coronas, which has been upgraded from the extremely inconvenient temporary treatment to the normal treatment.

On the other hand, it is no secret to experts that common cold viruses constantly mutate. Not surprisingly, it has already become clear that coronaviruses, in the same way, will continue to mutate forever, and it is a given  in the world that they will not disappear forever (1037). And mankind still has not been able to obtain a pan-corona vaccine.

In the midst of all this, the results of a randomized clinical trial on the prevention of COVID by three BCG vaccinations have been published by Massachusetts General Hospital and have attracted much attention.

The efficacy of three BCG vaccinations against COVID in adults who had never received BCG vaccination was 92%.

Three BCG doses in adults with no prior BCG immunization history is safe and has been shown to be effective in preventing other infectious diseases.

It takes 1-2 years after the first BCG vaccination for efficacy to be demonstrated, but the preventive effect may last for decades.

BCG, especially the Tokyo strain, has been shown to be extremely useful as a safe and effective platform vaccine against COVID and other infectious diseases.

In this randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled Phase II/III trial, study results were conducted in a population of adults with type 1 diabetes who were unaffected by the COVID-19 vaccine and who were susceptible to severe coronary disease, making a clear difference in the intervention effect of BCG vaccination.

The safety of the multiple-dose BCG vaccine (the Tokyo-172 strain used was considered the most immunogenic) and its efficacy in preventing COVID and other infections were evaluated.

A total of 144 subjects were enrolled; 96 were randomized to BCG and 48 to placebo.

BCG was administered intradermally within 2.5 to 3 years prior to the start of the 15-month trial period from January 2020 to April 2021, the start of the pandemic (i.e., before corona vaccination began) Two doses of BCG 0.1 ml were given 4 weeks apart, with a booster dose of the same amount in the second year The same dose was administered in the second year.

There were no dropouts during the 15-month study period.

The cumulative incidence of meeting the definitive diagnostic criteria for COVID was 12.5% in the placebo group and 1% in the BCG group when the diagnostic criteria of at least one symptom and multiple positive antibody tests and positive point-of-care tests including PCR were employed, and the efficacy rate of BCG administration was 92%. The efficacy rate was 100% when using the currently accepted diagnostic criteria, i.e., at least one symptom and a positive PCR test.

The BCG-treated group had fewer symptoms of infection, including COVID, and had a shorter duration of infection. Of particular note was the clearly lower incidence of taste and smell disorders in the BCG-treated group. The severity of the disease was also lower, with fewer infectious events per patient.

There were no systemic adverse events associated with BCG.

The broad infection protection of BCG suggests that it may provide platform protection against SARS-CoV-2 mutant strains and other pathogens.

Against the continually reemerging mutant strains, repeated doses of corona-specific vaccine are extremely effective in the short term. On the other hand, now that we know that we will have to deal with SARS-CoV-2 for at least the next few decades, and possibly forever, BCG, especially the Tokyo strain, is likely to be an extremely effective vaccine in the long run.

Not only because of this, but even today, the cumulative number of cases in Japan is among the lowest in the world, as is the fatality rate (1038).

Japan has the potential to contribute to humanity ahead of the U.S. and the world by quickly establishing a system to increase production of the BCG vaccine, which has been established worldwide to be much safer than the coronavirus vaccine (1039).



