Super Bowl 2023

I have been looking forward to that today is coming. Super Bowl is the biggest sport event in year for me. In this game, Chiefs vs Eagles. My favorite team is Dallas Cowboys, then the second favorite team is Chiefs. Mahomes is my favorite Quarterback player. I am very happy that Chiefs beat Eagles and Mahomes was MVP player.

Today, I thought I would need to take a payment holiday because it is aired on Monday in Japan, fortunately, in my company, today is a holiday to substitute a national holiday on Saturday. I was ready to watch the game at 8:30, but my NFL game pass showed I need to upgrade the plan. My plan was "Essential", but I need to upgrade to "Pro". I tried to upgrade, but the website for payment was crashed due to too many accesses. I was very very disappointed. I gave up at that moment, then I checked Twitter. It was not only my issue but many people tweeted same issue. I could not connect in first quarter, but I succeeded to connect before half time show. Lucky.

It was very exciting neck and neck game. At last 1 minute in forth quarter, the score was 35 vs 35. Chiefs was on offense and Mahomes shot good pass and it was almost touch down. It seemed that the receiver intentionally stopped to touch down. It was tactics and one of my favorite parts in football. 1 minute still remained. If the player touches down, Eagles will have 1 minutes on the offense. There would be risk to be turned back. 

Then, Chiefs spent time until the last kick to get 3 points. I was so thrilled if the kick would be good or not. The kicker looked so nervous and under pressure. If the kick is not good, the kicker could be fired after the game. Fortunately, the kick was very good, then Chiefs won.

I had a trouble not to connect to Game Pass, but it was great game. I can't wait until next season will start in August.

