「オセロー」ドラマトゥルクによる往復書簡  No.3

【「オセロー」ドラマトゥルクによる往復書簡  No.3 】
East Asia Theater Interacion 2022 in Fukuoka


Future Creation Program(FCP)[ オセロー/ W シェイクスピア]では、今回ドラマトゥルクとして、福岡の演劇ユニットそめごころの石田聖也さん、台湾の文学研究者のShin Chang/張新さんに入っていただいています。









▼ in English

Dear Mr.shin

First of all, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your careful and carefulinterpretation of my writing.
I was also worried about how far the previous sentence and context would be conveyed to Mr.Shin. But this anxiety is probably not just because we don't share the same native language.I strongly feel the impossibility or uncertainty of the communication that Shin shared with Momose using quotes from Rilke, both in my daily life and in my creative activities with Japanese people. because At this very moment when I am receiving, interpreting, and responding to Mr.Shin's words, am I really reading what he is saying? That's what I think. But is this translation correct? It's different from doubting.
As the word "perseverance" was used, it is really important to remain uneasy and not rush to conclusions. I read your sentences over and over again, searching for meanings and images beyond the words written there. This may be similar to the act of observing an actor's performance and body in a rehearsal room. Although we cannot share space and time through correspondence,I feel space, time, and physicality from Mr. Shin's writings, and I am happy that this process is the beginning of our "new culture."
As for my image of Taiwanese theater, unfortunately there are not many Taiwanese theater that I have been able to see. However, I think that I felt something quite close as a feeling. However, at the same time, I also think that there is a difference in things like the spirituality behind the performance. And at the creative site of "Othello", I am thinking about the same thing.

It may sound a little abstract, but how do the actors and the audience perceive the facts in front of each other? Isn't there a potential difference in spirituality there? That's my hypothesis.
This is a digression, but what I am interested in in the work "Othello" is Iago's excellent human observation ability and Othello's deteriorated physicality. I wish I could talk more slowly about this.
"As expected, this is a long sentence, so I'll leave it here..." Shin's arrival in Japan is finally tomorrow. The exchange letter itself will continue, but I hope we can talk about various things after meeting.

Seiya Ishida
