Little Rookie


Little Rookie



  • Algorithm

  • Docker

    Imagine what you can achieve by "dockerizing" your web applications? Isolating and achieving fast deployment are just the two advantages to start with and we barely scratch the surface. Read this weekly release of magazine on Docker to learn more about this big blue wonder.

  • Hadoop



We've been wanting to ask this for a long time - "So what is Recursion?"According to LeetCode, Recursion is an approach to solving problems using a function tha…

Little Rookie


ArrayArray is a data structure consisting of a collection of elements, each identified by at least one array index or key. The index starts from 0 (0-based numb…

Little Rookie

Factorial with recursion

Ever wonder how recursion works in code? Imagine when you are given 6!, you first multiply the next integer factorial in sequence (6! = 6*5!). You repeat the pr…

Little Rookie

Adding all elements in a vector with C++

Adding the elements of a vector with a for loop looks #include <vector>int sum(std::vector<int> nums) { // your code here int sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nums…

Little Rookie

Stopping or Killing a Docker container

To stop or kill the container "busybox" we created, just initiate the docker stop or kill command together with the container id. #Stopping a containerdocker s…

Little Rookie

Starting a docker container

Let's get our hands dirty and kick start a docker container with busybox, an image you can download from docker hub and run a bash command within the containe…

Little Rookie

MapReduce with Python Example

MapReduce is a programming model and an associated implementation for processing and generating big data sets with a parallel, distributed algorithm on a clus…

Little Rookie


A stack is an abstract data type that allows operations to store and remove values in a collection of elements. All operations have a runtime complexity of O(1)…

Little Rookie

Hadoop Intro

What is Hadoop? Apache Hadoop is a group of open-source software utilities used for distributed storage and processing of big data based on the MapReduce mod…

Little Rookie


We've been wanting to ask this for a long time - "So what is Recursion?"According to LeetCode, Recursion is an approach to solving problems using a function that calls itself as a subroutine.
You migh



ArrayArray is a data structure consisting of a collection of elements, each identified by at least one array index or key. The index starts from 0 (0-based numbering). Insertion, removal and search op

Factorial with recursion

Factorial with recursion

Ever wonder how recursion works in code? Imagine when you are given 6!, you first multiply the next integer factorial in sequence (6! = 6*5!). You repeat the process until 0 is reached. This works the

Adding all elements in a vector with C++

Adding all elements in a vector with C++

Adding the elements of a vector with a for loop looks
#include <vector>int sum(std::vector<int> nums) { // your code here int sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nums.size(); i++) { sum += nums[i]; } retu

Stopping or Killing a Docker container

Stopping or Killing a Docker container

To stop or kill the container "busybox" we created, just initiate the docker stop or kill command together with the container id.
#Stopping a containerdocker stop (container id)#Killing a containerdo

Starting a docker container

Starting a docker container

Let's get our hands dirty and kick start a docker container with busybox, an image you can download from docker hub and run a bash command within the container.
#Inputdocker run busybox echo hell

MapReduce with Python Example

MapReduce with Python Example

MapReduce is a programming model and an associated implementation for processing and generating big data sets with a parallel, distributed algorithm on a cluster. (Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.or



A stack is an abstract data type that allows operations to store and remove values in a collection of elements. All operations have a runtime complexity of O(1) because you can only delete or add an e

Hadoop Intro

Hadoop Intro

What is Hadoop?

Apache Hadoop is a group of open-source software utilities used for distributed storage and processing of big data based on the MapReduce model. Hadoop is seen as a solution to mana
