
1979年11月17日Record Mirror(フレディのバレエ公演を見に行ったロジャー、語る)


あの正真正銘のFonteyn(おそらくバレエダンサーMargot Fonteyn)、若きフレディ・マーキュリーが、最近ロイヤル・バレエ団のステージをぴったりのレオタード姿でピルエットをしながら横切ったとき、ロジャー・テイラーは観客席にいた。そしてこの金髪のドラマーは、ただ認めるしかなかった。フレディには度胸があると…。


そしてフレディが、十分に上達したパ・ド・ドゥでお辞儀をして蝶ネクタイのダーリンたちを喜ばせ彼の舞踏の才能を劇場中に広めていたとき、若きロジャーは'Bohemian Rhapsody'と'Crazy Little Thing Called Love'のオーケストラ・バージョンに、超批判的な耳を傾けた。彼は感銘を受けなかったのだ。
「クラシック・ロックのアルバムに収録されたヴァージョンの'Bohemian Rhapsody'にも同じことが言える。僕ならあれは絶対にリリースしないよ、本当にひどかった」。

それでもフレディを、Olga Korbut(体操選手)がそうであるようには「洗練されていない」と非難するのには無理があるだろう。彼がQueenを率いて壮麗なロックの静かな荒野を渡っていくとき、彼の身体の器用さはまさにそういうものなのだから。




ああ、ホーム・スイート・ホーム。ロジャーの場合は、ホーム・スイート・ホーム (s) だ。正確には3つある。1つは20エーカーの敷地で、ロンドンから数マイル離れた州内にある。それからBarnesにあるタウンハウスと、最近購入したChelseaにあるタウンハウスだ。


ロジャーはまた、才能あるヒラリー(Hilary Vance)とのレコーディングにも忙しい。

さて、Queenからの続報は? 映画...?
「僕たちは、何百万ドルもかけて制作される『Flash Gordon』の音楽を担当しようと考えている。『Close Encounters』のようなシリアスなものではなく、装飾でいっぱいの、30年代の映画のようなものになる予定だ。素晴らしい作品だよ。」

「新しいアルバムを少しずつ仕上げているところだ。"Crazy Little Thing" はその中の1曲だ。それについては、革新的なことは何もないだろう。でもこのアルバムは確実に、僕たちにとって違うものになる。ああ、それから『Top Of The Pops』のビデオを見て、僕らのイメージが変わったとか思わないでね。ただちょっと面白かっただけだよ」。

「新しいツアーは11月20日から始まるけど、すでに全20日間の日程がソールドアウト。規模の小さめな会場でやる予定だ。その方が雰囲気が出ると考えたから。ロンドンでは、Purley TiffanysやThe Lyceumのような場所でライブをする。面白くなりそうだ」。

22 Record Mirror, November 17, 1979

Who said Fred didn't have, er, guts?
When that veritable Fonteyn of youth Freddie Mercury pirouetted across the stage with the Royal Ballet recently in his skin tight leotard, Roger Taylor was in the audience.
And the blond drummer just had to admit - Freddie had a lot of balls...
"I was more nervous than he was," said Roger who is not the biggest ballet fan in the world. "I mean, I wouldn't do it. That's just my scene."
"But I'd like to see anyone else have the courage to do that and carry it off as well as he did. He had a lot of balls to go on that stage. He loves all that stuff."
And as Freddie delighted the dicky bowed darlings with his well-developed pas de deux and diffused his obvious terpsichorean talents around the theatre young Roger lent a hypercritical ear to the music-orchestral versions of 'Bohemian Rhapsody and Crazy Little Thing Called Love'.
He was not impressed. "It was awful. Badly played, under rehearsed, they couldn't even keep time. These guys seem to be ruled by opinions, not by music."
"And the same can be said for the version of 'Bohemlan Rhapsody', that appeared on the Classic Rock album. I would never have released that, it was absolutely terrible."
"A lot of people are conned by these classical musicians who bandy the word 'culture' about so frequently. They hide behind it.
"Rock 'n' roll isn't culture. It's vulgar, thank goodness."

Still, you could hardly accuse Freddie of being "vulgar", more Olga as in Korbut. Such is his gymnastic dexterity when he leads Queen across the otherwise quiescent wastes of pomp (as in adour) rock.
"Freddie is only being himself. He doesn't care - and it's the only way to be. Some people think that's great others simply hate it."
But does Roger ever get well, frustrated when the band are on stage, drummers usually being the forgotten men?
"I must admit, I do get rather frustrated at times, like when there is something you want to do yourself but can't. But Freddie is the natural front man. I'm not. But I guess I'm more involved than most drummers because I contribute a lot to the singing."

"There are times that I would like to be on my own - making all the decisions. All the band probably think that."
Does that mean the four often bicker, or even throw the occasional left hook?
"Oh, sure, we argue a lot - but it's always resolved in the end."
Is there anyone who is particularly prone to Intransigence?
"Brian can be very hard to budge at times, but we usually gang up on him and stick it out to the bitter end. Then we all go home."

Ah, home sweet home. Or in Roger's case, home sweet homes. Three to be precise Number one is set in 20 acres and lies, in state naturally, a few miles outside London. Then there's the town house in Barnes and the latest purchase-is another town house in Chelsea.
He lives in them, when he's not living in another one, with his charming French girlfriend Dominique. And then of course there's an even more recent acquisition the trilling matter of an entire recording studio situated at the foot of a Swiss alp (and I can tell you now he isn't very pleased. Well, you know that alps are like).
"The band bought it a few months ago." said Roger. "It's actually part of a casino. Lucky none of us are gamblers although John does have the occasional Hutter on the blackjack table." "David Bowie recorded his last album there."
Roger has also been busy recording there himself - with his prodigy Hilary.
"I used to know her years ago and when she sent me a tape, I was very impressed. She has an unusual voice. I suppose the best description of it is modern."
"It's great to have the time to do something like that- and also to find the right person to do it with."

So, what further news from the Queen camp? Do I hear FILMS...?
"We are thinking of writing the music for the multi million dollar production of 'Flash Gordon'. It's going to be like a thirties film, not nearly as serious as something like 'Close Encounters' and it will be full of aft decor sets. Great stuff."
"We've been approached to do so many movies ourselves but it's just so much trouble. But there should be a documentary about Queen coming up on TV in the not too distant future. We would never actually act in a film. Rock stars are very often hopeless when it comes to acting."

Do I hear Record?
"We are finishing off the new album in bits. 'Crazy Little Thing' is one of the tracks. There won't be anything revolutionary about it. But the album will certainly be different for us. Oh, and don't think we've changed or image after seeing the video on Top Of the Pops. It was just a bit of fun.

Do I hear TOURS...?
"The new tour starts on November 20th and all 20 dates are already sold out. We're playing much smaller venues because we thought It would be much more atmospheric, hence in London we are playing gigs In places like Purley Tiffanys and The Lyceum. Should be interesting…
