

Cover Photo: From left to right
Willy Fautré, Ján Figel’, Massimo Introvigne, and Aaron Rhodes

以前の記事『識者(UPF他が開催するイベントの常連)が日本政府に宛てた意見書(内閣総理大臣・外務大臣・文部科学大臣宛、6月14日付)』でマッシモ・イントロヴィーニェ(Massimo Introvigne)氏が編集長を務める Bitter Winter(CESNUR(Centro Studi sulle Nuove Religioni / Center for Studies on New Religions)、新宗教研究センター)のオンライン雑誌)に(旧統一教会およびその関連企業や友好団体から寄付や収入を得ているかもしれない、旧統一教会の信者ではないと推測される)マッシモ・イントロヴィーニェ氏、他3名の識者が岸田文雄 内閣総理大臣、林芳正 外務大臣、永岡桂子 文部科学大臣宛に送付した意見書(6月14日付)日本はなぜ統一教会・家庭連合に対して信教の自由を保障すべきなのか"Why Japan Should Guarantee Religious Liberty to the Unification Church / Family Federation")が掲載されていると書きましたが、(日本)国内のみならず海外でもほとんど話題にならなかったからでしょうか、本件に関する英文のプレスリリースが7月16日に回覧されました。

Washington, DC, July 16, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --


Centre for Studies on New Religions, Four Religious Freedom Experts
Send Letter to Japanese Government Leaders

CESNUR’s Bitter Winter Magazine Posts Letter
Explaining Why Japanese Leaders and People Should Guarantee
Religious Freedom to the Unification Church / Family Federation

TORINO, Italy - Bitter Winter, the magazine of the Centre for Studies on New Religions (CESNUR), has published a letter that was sent to Japan’s key leaders about religious freedom in Japan in July 2023.

In their “Letter to the Government: Why Japan Should Guarantee Religious Liberty to the Unification Church / Family Federation,” Willy Fautré, Ján Figel, Massimo Introvigne, and Aaron Rhodes call for an end to what increasingly appears as a witch hunt against a minority religion.

Before the letter was published, it was sent privately to Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida,
Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi, and Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Keiko Nagaoka.

The letter opens with general comments about protecting Freedom of Religion or Belief (FoRB) for minority religions. It then addresses the current persecution of the FFWPU in Japan, the abusive history of “deprogramming,” and media and government’s ill-advised use of “apostates” to denigrate the religion.

The letter concludes with a plea not to ignore the vital importance of FoRB to a free democracy and why government “liquidation” of FFWPU would expose Japan to international condemnation and encourage similar attacks on religion in nondemocratic countries.




内閣総理大臣 岸田 文雄 殿
外務大臣   林  芳正 殿
文部科学大臣 永岡 桂子 殿





1 強力で財力豊かな党派性のある敵対勢力に対峙している団体を含む、日本で活動する全ての宗教・信仰団体の宗教・信仰の自由を保護すること

2 宗教・信仰の自由に対し脅威となる措置を取り下げること

3 家庭連合が、宗教法人として、信教の自由を平和に行使できること




Dear Prime Minister Fumio Kishida:
Dear Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi:
Dear Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology Keiko Nagaoka:

We are writing to share some pressing concerns about threats to freedom of religion or belief (FoRB) that have emerged in Japan after the tragic assassination of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

We are academics and human rights activists, each with long experience in the field of FoRB. We are also friends of Japan and admirers of its millennia-old culture and vibrant democratic institutions. Many of us counted Japan as a precious ally in international fora when we had to protest human rights and FoRB violations by totalitarian regimes.


We urge the Japanese government to protect the FoRB of all religious and spiritual groups operating in Japan, including those that have powerful, well-financed, and politically motivated opponents, to withdraw all measures threatening FoRB, and to guarantee to the FFWPU as a religious corporation the peaceful exercise of its right to religious liberty.

We are most grateful for your attention to the foregoing appeal.


Mr. Willy Fautré
The Honorable Ján Figel’
Professor Massimo Introvigne
Dr. Aaron Rhodes

June 14, 2023
