

間もなく合同結婚式が開催される韓国では、今週の火曜日から天宙平和連合(UPF)が平和サミット2023Peace Summit 2023: Toward A World Culture of Peace)を開催しているようです。

いつものようにマイク・ポンペオ元国務長官やニュート・ギングリッチ元下院議長やジム・ロジャース(投資家、senior advisor to UPF International)も登壇していますが、また(三年連続・四度目)ドナルド・トランプ元大統領が短いビデオ・メッセージをオープニング・セレモニーに寄せています。

(※ 映像・音声を何ヶ所か繋いだ形跡があります。新たに撮影されたものではなく、本稿末尾に引用した二度目のビデオ・メッセージを切り貼りしただけかもしれません。)

尚、本稿末尾に引用した過去三度の演説と比べると、今回のビデオ・メッセージは極めて短い上にたいした内容はありません。(下記画面コピーに続く Google 翻訳をご参照ください。)

(Google 翻訳)




すべての命(人生?)は神聖であると私たちは信じています。 そして私たちは、すべての人が政府によってではなく全能の神の手によって与えられる権利、自由、尊厳を祝福されていると信じています。



It is my tremendous honor to address this (Peace) Summit and to speak to each of you as we continue our shared pursuit of a beautiful goal, a very, very beautiful goal, bringing peace, unity and harmony.

Let me begin by expressing my sincere gratitude to the Universal Peace Federation.

Today, I ask every person who shares our hope of a brighter tomorrow, to be united in our mission, faithful in our vision, and, above all, to be confident in our values.

We believe that every life is sacred. And we believe that every person is blessed with rights, liberty and dignity, to (be) give(n) (to) them not by government but by the hand of Almighty God.

Thank you and God bless you all.


半世紀以上に渡って旧統一教会が共和党を支持してきたことは、以前の記事『ニクソン元大統領から文鮮明教祖へ送られた感謝状 - ウォーターゲート事件まで遡る共和党と旧統一教会との関係』でもふれましたが



(※ ドナルド・トランプ元大統領の後に、安倍晋三 元首相、ジョゼ・マヌエル・ドゥラン・バローゾ元欧州委員会委員長(元ポルトガル首相)が続きます。)



Unification Church Insists Trump Apologize

May 26, 1991

The president of the Unification Church of America demanded apologies yesterday from Donald J. Trump and two newspapers over what he called false, racist and inflammatory reports that the church was seeking to buy the the developer's Palm Beach estate, Mar-a-Lago.

Saying that the church founded by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon "has absolutely no interest in this property," the minister, Dr. James A. Baughman, attacked reports in The Palm Beach Daily News on Thursday and The New York Post on Friday that quoted "a Trump associate" saying that the famous home built by Marjorie Meriweather Post, the cereal heiress, might be sold to the church if the city did not let Mr. Trump subdivide it.

The reports quoted the Trump associate saying: "If they don't like a subdivision of Mar-a-Lago, how will they feel when a thousand Moonies descend on Palm Beach every weekend?"

Calling the report "a deliberate fabrication," Dr. Baughman said at a news conference in the church's midtown Manhattan headquarters: "To use the Unification Church as a scare tactic in an attempt to compel Palm Beach officials to submit to the will of Mr. Trump and his associates is morally reprehensible."

He demanded that Mr. Trump "personally submit an apology to Rev. Moon and his congregation in America."

(A version of this article appears in print on May 26, 1991, Section 1, Page 39 of the National edition with the headline: Unification Church Insists Trump Apologize.)
