
アイルランド抵抗歌 Billy Reid(ビリーリード)

Billy Reid

Well I'll sing you a song of a terribly wrong
When the flags they flew at half mast
Of a man he lay dead he was riddled with led
And he died on the streets of Belfast
All the radio said there's another shot dead
And he died with a gun in his hand
But they didn't say why Billy Reid had to die
For he died to free Ireland.

It happened one day while the bold I.R.A
They went out to fight for our land
With an old Thompson , got the troops on the run
And return to their homes was their plan

While returning the guns Billy met British huns
And when the fight had begun
His position was dire and his gun wouldn't
So he died with that old thompson gun

Although he lay dead he was kicked in the head
By the hair they dragged him around
But they still fear him yet and never forget
How brave Billy Reid stood his ground

If you think he was right come and join in the fight
And help to free Belfast
Cause the blood that he shed although he was dead
In our hearts sure his memory will last


さあ不条理を歌おう 弔旗がマストに揚がるとき  ある男が銃弾に撃ち抜かれて死んだ  ベルファストの通りで死んだ

ラジオは伝える 銃撃で死んだと  彼は銃を手にして死んだと 何故、誰も言わない 彼がなぜ死んだのか 彼はアイルランドの自由のために死んだ

その日、大胆なIRAは出撃した 我らの国で戦うために  古いトンプソン銃を手にして兵士たちは走る  彼らの基地に戻る計画だった 

銃を返す時、ビリーは敵に出会った そして戦闘が始まった  ビリーは不運だった 彼の銃は沈黙した  そうして死んだのだ 古いトンプソン銃と共に

死んで倒れた彼は殴られ、蹴られた  髪を掴まれて引きずり回された  しかし奴らはまだ彼を恐れている こんなにも勇敢に立ち向かったビリーリードを決して忘れられない

もし彼が正しいと思うなら戦いに加わるんだ、ベルファストの自由のために  彼が死に、流した血で立ち上がろう  私たちは彼のことを永遠に忘れない





