
「NVIDIAの時価総額がAppleを超えた日:AIとブロックチェーンの新時代」”The Day NVIDIA Surpassed Apple's Market Value: A New Era of AI and Blockchain”






コインベースは、パスワード不要のWeb3スマートウォレットをリリースしました。このウォレットは、B2B事業者向けに提供され、パスフレーズやパスワードの代わりにFace IDやGoogle Chromeのプロフィールを使用して簡単に利用できる点が特徴です。バイナンスが多様な暗号通貨をサポートする強みを持つ一方で、コインベースは使い勝手の向上を図っています。




最近、テザーが投資した先として注目されているのはビットコインマイニング企業です。ビットコインマイニングはProof of Work(PoW)方式でコンピューターパワーを使って行われます。一見すると、なぜ今ビットコインマイニングに投資するのか疑問に思われるかもしれませんが、これにはAIとの関連があると考えられます。ビットコインマイニングには大量の計算資源が必要であり、これをAIの計算処理に利用することができます。データセンターのインフラを抑えることで、AIの発展にも貢献する狙いがあります。















NVIDIA Surpasses Apple's Market Value

Recently, it was reported that NVIDIA has surpassed Apple's market value, a surprising development. NVIDIA is known for providing the semiconductors that are the foundation of AI technology, which are utilized in various fields, including medical and pharmaceutical development. NVIDIA's growth is driven by the evolution and spread of AI technology, transforming the company from a semiconductor manufacturer into an enterprise that builds entire ecosystems.

Finance Users Surpass 200 Million

Next, there's the news that finance users have surpassed 200 million. This platform's asset holdings have reached $100 billion (approximately 15.7 trillion yen), making it a massive exchange. However, compliance and adherence to laws in various countries are required, so continued monitoring is necessary. Coinbase in the US remains a significant player in this space.

Coinbase Releases Password-Free Web3 Smart Wallet

Coinbase has released a password-free Web3 smart wallet. This wallet is designed for B2B businesses and is easy to use, replacing passphrases and passwords with Face ID or Google Chrome profiles. While Binance has the strength of supporting a variety of cryptocurrencies, Coinbase focuses on improving usability.

Stablecoin Giant Tether's Moves

Tether, the major stablecoin issuer, has long been known for issuing stablecoins against the money it receives and generating significant revenue through its operations. With US Treasury yields rising, Tether is making substantial earnings. Regarding how Tether utilizes its revenue, the company has already invested over $2 billion and plans to invest an additional $1 billion. The focus areas of these investments span financial infrastructure, AI, and biotechnology.

Tether's Investment in Bitcoin Mining Companies

Recently, Tether's investment in Bitcoin mining companies has garnered attention. Bitcoin mining is conducted using the Proof of Work (PoW) method, which involves significant computing power. While it may seem puzzling why Tether would invest in Bitcoin mining now, there is a potential connection with AI. Bitcoin mining requires extensive computational resources, which can be utilized for AI computational processes. By leveraging the infrastructure of data centers, this investment also aims to contribute to AI development.

Apple Enhances AI Technology and OpenAI's Growth

Apple is enhancing its AI technology through collaboration with GPT. Additionally, it has been reported that OpenAI's annual revenue is expected to reach $3.4 billion (approximately 530 billion yen), indicating continued rapid growth in the AI industry.

MetaMask Launches Pool Staking

Next, there's news about MetaMask launching pool staking. Typically, staking requires large amounts of funds, but pooling allows participation with smaller amounts and the potential to earn rewards. Previously, Ethereum staking required 32 ETH, but with MetaMask's pool staking, participants can join together and share rewards. However, since liquid staking tokens (LST) are not issued, there are limitations on using these funds in DeFi. LSTs are akin to certificates received upon staking, enabling fund circulation.

CyberAgent Develops Japanese LLM

CyberAgent has developed a large language model (LLM) with strong Japanese language capabilities. While attempting to test it, errors occurred, preventing its use. The influx of users might be causing this, but I look forward to trying it once it becomes available.

Mistral AI's Fundraising in Europe

There is also news of Mistral AI, an open-source LM company based in Paris, Europe, raising funds. Mistral AI is developing models similar to Meta's LLaMA. Meanwhile, OpenAI is taking a vertically integrated approach, providing an interface for ChatGPT. Understanding this layer structure helps make sense of the related news.

ByteDance and Malaysia's Data Center

ByteDance from China is also investing heavily in AI, with news that Malaysia will become a hub for data centers. Japan is making significant investments in AI business as well, focusing on digital transformation (DX) in large corporations and government DX. For example, KDDI is collaborating with Eliza, investing approximately 100 billion yen to develop Japanese versions of LMs from open-source.

Evolution of AI Agents

AI agents are technologies that prepare and launch necessary software and complete tasks based on their judgment without detailed user instructions. For instance, if a user says, "I want to go to Okinawa tomorrow," the AI agent can arrange tickets and accommodations. Many companies are focusing on developing these AI agents.

Sanrio's AI Agent

I also looked into Sanrio's AI agent. Sanrio is engaged in various new businesses, including virtual festivals, metaverse projects, and fan community businesses. Sanrio's characters are very active on social media, with characters like Kuromi-chan gaining popularity. The use of AI agents in character business offers a new approach that incorporates the emotional elements of pop culture. Future announcements are highly anticipated.

#NVIDIA #AI技術 #ブロックチェーン
#NVIDIA #AItechnology #Blockchain
