




please provide me the information about the recent death tech in the world in 1000 words.




The concept of "death tech" encompasses various technologies that have either become obsolete or ceased development in recent years. In 2023, the technology landscape saw significant changes, marked by the rise of advanced tools like ChatGPT and other generative AI models. However, this progress also led to the decline and disappearance of certain technologies.

  1. Rise of Generative AI Models: 2023 witnessed the remarkable ascent of generative AI models, such as ChatGPT. These models have reshaped numerous sectors, including communication, content creation, and data analysis. Their success, however, may have overshadowed or replaced less advanced or less efficient technologies.

  2. Posthumous Digital Presences: Innovations in AI and blockchain are paving the way for new forms of digital existence after death. This emerging trend suggests a shift in how we perceive and interact with the concept of mortality and memory in the digital age.

  3. Nanotechnology in Healthcare: Advances in nanotechnology, like plaque-removing nanobots, are revolutionizing healthcare. These technologies offer potential for longer, healthier lives, possibly impacting the development and need for traditional medical technologies.

  4. Neuroscience and Understanding of Death: New discoveries in neuroscience are challenging our understanding of death. This could lead to novel approaches in medical care and end-of-life treatment, affecting the relevance of existing medical technologies and practices.

Each of these developments represents a significant shift in the technological landscape, where new innovations eclipse older technologies, leading to their gradual obsolescence or "death." The death of technology, therefore, is not just about the cessation of a particular tool or system, but also about the transition to more advanced, efficient, or revolutionary alternatives.

🌐 Sources

  1. mashable.com - In Memoriam: The tech that died in 2023

  2. wired.co.uk - Digital Eternity Is Just Around the Corner

  3. youtube.com - Tech That Died in 2023

  4. linkedin.com - Death Care Market Analysis 2023-2030: Technology Trends

  5. nationalgeographic.co.uk - Can we delay death with tech? These advances hold promise

  6. technologyreview.com - The Biggest Questions: What is death?

"Web access"というChromeの拡張機能を入れているため、Sources(出展)もわかるという便利さです。





2.死後のデジタル・プレゼンス: AIとブロックチェーンの革新は、死後のデジタル的存在の新たな形態への道を開いている。この新たな潮流は、デジタル時代における死生観や記憶という概念の捉え方や関わり方の変化を示唆している。

3.ヘルスケアにおけるナノテクノロジー: 歯垢除去ナノボットのようなナノテクノロジーの進歩は、ヘルスケアに革命をもたらしつつある。これらの技術は、より健康で長生きできる可能性を提供し、従来の医療技術の発展や必要性に影響を与える可能性がある。

4.神経科学と死の理解: 神経科学における新たな発見は、死についての理解を覆すものである。これは、医療や終末期医療における新たなアプローチにつながり、既存の医療技術や診療の妥当性に影響を与える可能性がある。

こうした進展はいずれも、新しい技術革新が古い技術を凌駕し、徐々に陳腐化、あるいは "死 "へと向かうという、技術的展望の大きな転換を意味する。したがって、技術の死とは、単に特定のツールやシステムの停止を意味するのではなく、より高度で効率的、あるいは革命的な代替技術への移行を意味する。






ヘッダー画像:UnsplashKajetan Sumilaが撮影した写真
