
Think Of Kind Colleagues

After I submitted my resignation letter, I didn't hear back from my boss right away. Five days later, I received an email from my boss stating, "Your resignation has been accepted. I think it's best to discuss this sooner, but I'd like to talk in three days."

"Discussing in three days despite suggesting it's best sooner?" I was a bit surprised, but I decided to comply with her preference.

Since my resignation had been accepted, I had no personal matters to discuss with her. However, given the formalities of the situation and my boss's position, it seemed necessary for her to "have a discussion with me" regarding a subordinate's resignation.

I intended to inform my boss of my resignation matter-of-factly. I suppressed the desire to express my true feelings to her who had subjected me to two years of covert harassment, and I was prepared to convey my intention to resign. I want to remain a sensible employee until the last day.

The only regret I had was potentially inconveniencing my close colleagues whom I had good relations with.

 I'm glad I was able to change jobs. However, I feel sorry for causing them difficulty.

