
Enjoy music with others

I have mentioned that one of my hobbies is playing the erhu. I had a chance to play with my group lesson members at the nursery home today. It was a great time playing and spending time with them.

My group lesson started from this January and I've been practicing with others. In addition, I have opportunities to perform in front of the audience with them. It's a good experience for me. 

Compared to my individual lesson, I can play a
song in two parts. Also, it's fun to play together with others. I also can feel that I am getting better at playing the erhu and my mates motivate me to practice more.

Back to today's performance, we played Japanese folk songs such as "Akatonbo 赤とんぼ", "Furusato 故郷". We also played "Uewo muite aruko 上を向いて歩こう" and "Miagete goran yoruno hoshiwo 見上げてごらん夜の星を". These songs are familiar for most people, so we were glad that audience seemed to enjoy them.

I also had lunch with the group members before the performance and our time talking about erhu, music and other hobbies passed by so fast. We quickly gathered to the venue and prepared for it. 

There are other performance events coming up in November and December. I also heard from my teacher that she is planning to apply for the event in next January. My time with erhu seems to become busier than I have expected. The events are enjoyable, so I only need to make time to practice enough for them.

I would like to continue playing the erhu as much as possible and enjoy it. My aim is to be able to play the song I like with beautiful sound whenever someone requests for it. 
