
My experience in North Carolina: Learned to speak English by using English

I lived in North Carolina with my family from 7 to 11 years old during the 1990s. This article is about my past experiences of the way I learned to speak English.

I started my school year from second grade at elementary school. My parents recommended that I should take the upper grade rather than the grade I was in Japan. The reason was to keep my academic progress about the same progress in Japan. They looked ahead for my future education in Japan. When I reflected on my past education, I was grateful for how my parents decided for me. I also realized that I learned to speak English by using English at school and talking with friends, classmates, and teachers.

Going to elementary school and communicating with classmates and teachers

During the second grade, I couldn't understand English, of course. My father gave me a pocket dictionary so I could look up whenever I needed it. I struggled so much that my memories were uncertain. I don't really remember what I learned in class. However, there are memories talking with classmates and teachers. Yes, I was using English and gestures. I used whatever I could do to tell what I wanted to say. I even drew pictures since I couldn't explain it by words.



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