
Herbal medicine/漢方薬

I have been taking herbal medicine to help me with my health condition. I often take it when I don't feel well from hay fever symptoms and cold symptoms. It might depend on each person how it works, so this is just my way of dealing with health conditions.


Herbal medicine or common medicine for cold symptoms

I often take herbal medicine instead of common medicine when my condition is slightly unwell. I think the common medicine for cold symptoms sometimes gives me too much effect. Some medicine makes me really sleepy during the day, so I can't concentrate on what I want to do. Also, most medicines for hay fever symptoms are tablets, so I can't adjust it well for my condition. I might not need the whole tablet at one time. My nose felt funny after I took the tablet once. So, I started taking the herbal medicine instead. 

My husband was infected from COVID-19 this week, and I also felt to start having some cold symptoms. Actually, I couldn't decide if it was from COVID-19 or hay fever. The cause of my symptoms could be both. If I had a high fever, I could just see the doctor and receive the medicine there. However, my symptoms were not like that. So, I decided to take the herbal medicine.

I'm not sure if it really worked for COVID-19 symptoms, but my condition is better than yesterday and it's not getting worse. I still don't have any fever. 

This is my decision, so I still need to keep checking my condition for the weekend. 







