
Weekly question #13 Who influences you most in life?

I've been busy with work, English studying, and practicing erhu. Managing my time is always my concern. It's good to have many things that I want to do. I'm enjoying everything what I'm doing. I just need to stop and think about what I have now. It's important not to forget about my daily surroundings. 

Here is my article about weekly question from 英語手帳 2024.

Weekly question: Who influences you most in life?

I couldn't choose one person who has influenced me in life. My mother, my grandmother, my husband, and my father. 

I would like to share my stories about my grandmother today. She passed away 6 years ago at the age of 93, and my father reminded my family about her memorial service. We're planning to gather for it on holidays in May.

My brother and I lived with my grandmother for a while. She was in her late 70s, when we started living together.  My parents moved to Hokkaido since my father was transferred there. So my grandmother told us to come and live with her. 

I had a great influence from my grandmother during those days. She enjoyed growing vegetables in her garden and her hobby, oil painting. Her paintings were amazing. She actually had her own exhibition when she was 80 years old. I heard that she started taking the painting class from her 60s. Her house was full of her paintings. She drew what she wanted to. She took scraps of pictures from newspapers and drew them. I loved her flowers' paintings too. She picked them from her garden to draw. 

Watching her enjoying hobbies, I thought I wanted a hobby that I could continue for a long time. That was also when I got interested in erhu. She knew how my sound of the instrument was awful. It was like a sound of nails on a chalkboard. She kept on asking me, "How is the real sound of erhu?". I answered her to listen to the  CDs instead. Even though she complained about the sound, she was the one who most encouraged me to continue playing. Nobody is good at something from the first time. Continue and do your best and enjoy.

My grandmother taught me her beliefs. They are always in my heart. 









