




「旅? どこに行っていたの?」


「火星? 本当に?」


「羊と話したの? 何を話したの?」


「恋について? 羊は恋をしたの?」




「でも、なんで帰ってきたの? 羊と一緒にいれば良かったのに」











Mysterious dream of a cat without ears ~Love and farewell on Mars~

I had a dream that. In my dream, I was reunited with the earless cat I had been looking for. The cat was sitting in front of my apartment and seemed to be waiting for me. I approached the cat and petted it gently. The cat rubbed his nose against my hand and purred. I talked to the cat.

"Where were you, earless cat? I was looking for you."

"Sorry, I was on a trip. I came back today because I wanted to see you."

"Traveling? Where have you been?"

“I went to a lot of places. I went to Hokkaido, I went to Okinawa, I went to Hawaii, I went to New York, I went to Paris, I went to London. I went to Mars in

"Mars? Really?"

"Yes, it's true. There were sheep on Mars. The sheep talked to me. I became friends with the sheep."

"Did you talk to the sheep? What did you talk about?"

"We talked about a lot of things, like music, books, and love. Hitsuji liked the Beatles and Haruki Murakami's novels. He also taught me about love."

"About love? Did the sheep fall in love?"

"Yeah, I did. The sheep fell in love with me. I fell in love with the sheep too."

“Oh, really?”

"Yes, it's true. We became lovers on Mars. We were happy."

"But why did you come back? You should have stayed with the sheep."

"I wanted to meet you. I realized that you were my true love. The sheep told me so. I said goodbye to the sheep and returned to Earth."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah, that's right. Will you forgive me?"

"Of course, I'll forgive you. But, earless cat, you don't have to go on any more trips. I'll be lonely without you."

"Okay, thank you. I'm not going on the trip anymore. I'll be with you. Forever and ever."

I hugged the cat. The cat buried his face in my chest and purred at him. I rubbed my nose against the cat's fur and took a deep breath. The smell of cat permeated my nostrils. I kissed the cat.

“I love you, cat with no ears.”

"I love you too."

We hugged each other for a while. In the dream we were happy. In a dream we made love. We lived in a dream. In the dream we died. In the dream we were nothing.


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