









Bruckner's difficult piece taken on by a 90-year-old master - A historic performance by Takashi Asahina and the Chicago Symphony Orchestra

Bruckner's Fifth Symphony is one of his most difficult and complex works. Its structure is gigantic and austere, its music mystical and meditative. Performing this piece requires deep understanding and high skill, but that alone is not enough. Bringing this piece to life requires a strong level of trust and empathy between conductor and orchestra.

It was Takashi Asahina who took on such a difficult piece as a guest performer at the Chicago Symphony Orchestra's regular concert on May 16, 1996. This concert is a valuable record of Asahina, who moved to the United States alone nearing the age of 90 and performed with one of the world's best orchestras. This concert was broadcast on NHK Special, and I watched the tape many times. Each time, I was overwhelmed by the magnificent and moving musical space created by Asahina and the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.

Asahina was an avid Bruckner enthusiast, and his interpretations were inherited from Furtwängler. He associated Bruckner's music with nature and the universe, and his musicality had a flow reminiscent of a great river and a form that reminded us of Bruckner. He thoroughly conveyed his image to the orchestra during rehearsals, and the orchestra responded by providing their best performance.

The Chicago Symphony Orchestra was especially famous for its brass section, whose roaring tone was perfect for Bruckner's music. Asahina requested that the brass in the final movement coda be doubled, but the Chicago Symphony Orchestra refused. However, they delivered a colossal, powerful coda with a perfect crescendo and ensemble. It was just amazing lung capacity and technique.

This concert was made possible by Henry Vogel, then manager of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, who was moved by Asahina's performance of the Alpine Symphony. Vogel listened to Asahina's Bruckner Form and approached Barenboim, who was the music director, about inviting Asahina. Barenboim immediately agreed, saying that it was ``reminiscent of the playing of Furtwängler's other great contemporary, Knappertsbusch.''

This concert received great praise from audiences and critics. In an interview after the performance, an elderly gentleman living in Chicago had his eyes wet and was so moved that he said, ``Tears came to my eyes.'' Commas also said, ``I thought Asahina's tempo was slow, but I realized that his tempo matched the song.''

I saw this concert and was deeply impressed by Asahina's Bruckner. He led the orchestra with his expressionless stick movements, but the music was organic and alive. He stood tall in front of the mighty men of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, looking like an old samurai. His performance was a masterpiece that fully combined the feelings of both parties, who are betting on a once-in-a-lifetime chance.

Unfortunately, the recording of this concert is not available on CD, but you can watch it on YouTube. If you are a fan of Bruckner, this performance is definitely worth seeing. Watch this performance and rediscover the greatness of Takashi Asahina and the charm of Bruckner's music.

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