
‘00 Japan | KUL exchange student '21-2…


‘00 Japan | KUL exchange student '21-22 https://www.instagram.com/dach_dosu



留学初日、スーツケースの盗難に遭いました。絶望です。 この出来事に名前を付けるとしたら、それは「What The Fuck」です。 なんで盗まれたん!? 目を離した隙にとか、置きっぱにしてたらとか、それは当たり前のように自分の不注意だよね、自己責任だよねって、うん、めっちゃわかる。でもこれがまた世にも奇妙なハンマカンマで、 単刀直入に奇々怪々ツッコミどころ満載で情報を整理すると(?) ・盗まれた場所:ホテルの荷物置き場(鍵のかかった部屋) ・盗んだ犯人:知ってる(

    • My first Friend in Leuven

      Hi, I'm Dachdosu. Today's topic is my first friend. I arrived at Leuven 13th Sep. I walk around Leuven. I totally thought What a nice city! Leuven is wonderful viewing and atmosphere. I took e rest on the bench front of the old city hall

      • Flight

        Hi, I'm Dachdosu. My flight day is 12th Sep. Thanks for farewell friends at Narita port. My cousin gave me a rice ball, I ate so gratefully like a Sen. Umai! GOhan! I like flights because I am looking forward to many service. This is in-f

        • Thankstival|大感謝祭

          Hi, I'm dachdosu. My name means that "dach" is friends and "dosu" is Japanese Maikohann's self introducing style. "Dachdosu" is my favorite name. I have many things to say that "Thank you", "Good bye", "Good Luck", "Miss you"... More and m
