#チグサのファッションすうがく教室・英語編 論理読解10

It is said of the British that, when two people meet, their opening exchange is about the weather. This can be interpreted as a result of Britain’s changeable climate. After all,it would be meaningless for two Egyptians meeting in July to say “Another sunny day, then,” while in Britain it is at least reasonable to express some surprise. Such opening remarks may also reflect a certain self-restraint or even politeness since they allow either party to depart after a sentence or two if they are in a hurry.
interprete 解釈する
remark 述べる、気づく
restraint 抑制
politeness 礼儀正しさ
allow 許可する

After all, S+V ~ (というのは)~だから
either party 両者


接続詞because/ since/ as / *for*forのみ等位接続詞
文頭のafter allSV~.After all,SV...「~。というのは...だからだ。」
群前置詞because of / on account of / due to / owing to /thanks to / as a[the] result of / by virtue of A
Since the doctor arrived quickly, she recovered very speedily.
Due to the doctor’s quick arrival, she recovered very speedily.
She recovered very speedily because the doctor arrived quickly.
She recovered very speedily onaccount ofthe doctor’s quick arrival.
A influence [affect/impact] B
A have a[an](形容詞)effect[influence / impact] on B
B reflect[mirror]A
His statement has had an impact on the way we act.
The way we act has reflected his statement.
AによってBが決まる。BはAに左右される。A→B B←A
A decide[determine/govern] B*Pre-lesson7下線部を復習Bbedecided[determined/governed]byA=B depend on A

