

Salman Rushdie, "Imaginary Homelands" より

"There's a beautiful image in Saul Bellow's latest novel, The Dean's December. The central character, the Dean, Corde, hears a dog barking wildly somewhere. He imagines that the barking is the dog's protest against the limit of dog experience. "For God's sake", the dog is saying, "Open the universe little more!" And Bellow is, of course, not really talking about dogs, or not only about dogs, I have the feeling that the dog's rage, and its desire, is also mine, ours, and everyone's. "For God's sake, Open the universe little more!" 


失われたインドという故郷をできる限り「想像」しながら、そしてインド系英国人としての『型』に埋め込まれた日々を思い出しながら、彼の作家人生を振り返った瞬間です。Open the universe little more! 
