
Let's get start pilates!!

Have you ever heard of 'pilates'?? You might guess it is like Yoga.And also yoga is more famous than pilates I guess.However I recomend pilates to Yoga if you would like to improve your mobility and make balance with your mind and body activity.

What is pilates?


'pilates' is ,of course,a kind of exerise 'to learn the way to movable by themselves' 'to valance between physical movement and mental'. After the second war Ⅱ,Joseph Pilates developed this excercise as a rehabilitation'.

good posture

Firstly,you can see your body posture get more balanced.Absolutely,that is correct! This is a famouse story that their spine draw "S "curve basically. And ths pilates excercise make your spine being the right position. Therefore you can naturally get beautiful body.

boost your immune system

It says it's important to learn correct way to brethe' by Joseph Pilates.Breathing is one of neccesary works for human to keep their life.It achieves their cells. However,people are getting not deep breathing nowadays,so that they can catch any kind of sickness easily.It is essensial to conbine mantal and physical works with pilates lateral breathing.

work Autonomic nerves well

You cannot imagine any disadvantage about pilates,can you? As I said before, 'making your spine straight' and 'immune system works well' bring your autonomic nerves run smoothly.And then you canspend your time happily.

be careful for getiing injured

Some of pilates excercises are strict and hard.It means you might get injured if your muscle is not so tough.Do not do higher level of pilates. You should find out which level you are.


"In 10 sessions you will feel the difference""In 20 sessions you will see the difference""In 30 sessions you will have a whole new body" Continuance the excercise is a tip for pilates. So let's start it two or three times a week first!!!
