
July 4, 2022: Switzerland, Honeymoon, Long Journey to Zermatt (1)(スイス、新婚旅行、ツェルマットまでの長旅(1))

     I have been frustrated by the sweltering heat, the power-saving request and the growing COVID-19 infections. But they are out of my control. I have nothing I can do other than accept the status quo. In that case, I often reminisce about my good old days or enjoy daydreams. This time, Switzerland came to my mind.
     It is one of my favourite countries, and I had a lot of experiences there. It began with my honeymoon. My wife and I went to Zermatt for skiing. It is at the foot of the Matterhorn, one of the most famous peaks in Europe. I have never forgotten the long journey to get there from Narita.
     When we carried heavy baggage and skis to arrive at the Narita Airport, we found at a check-in counter that the flight to Zurich, Switzerland, would be delayed by three hours. Finally, the flight left Narita three hours later but took a southern route over Asia. It was an extremely long flight. It first flew to Hong Kong. We had to get off the aeroplane and wait one hour at the airport again. We re-boarded it and left for Bombay (now called Mumbai) in India, the next stop.

