
September 11, 2021:「未知」と「既知」をつなぐ物語をシェアし、未来の私をつくるワークショップ」  (Workshop to Create My Future by Sharing Stories Telling that the Unknown Becomes Known)

 I joined the foregoing workshop yesterday. It was very difficult and I may
have failed to fully understand the objective of the workshop unfortunately.
Accordingly please accept my apology if there is any error in the English title.

In the workshop, I and other 3 or 4 members discussed:
(i) what comes to our mind when we hear “the unknown” and “the known”;
(ii) what happen to us when the unknown has become known.

 When I hear “the unknown”, the film “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”
always comes to my mind and I simply envisage an entirely new world. From
other members, I listened to the very interesting and philosophical stories
 - what is known is the tip of the iceberg and there are tons of what is
 - there must be the unknown in the known; and,
 - when we actually enter into a unknown world, the world may not be so
   much different from the world that we have known. I took it to mean that
   we do not have to worry about the unknown.

 - 既知の中にも未知がある。
 - いざ、未知の世界に入ってみると、既知と変わらないこともある。
