
February 28, 2022:道路工事、時代の変化、自分の価値 (Road Construction, Changes in the Times, My Value)

 A team consisting of a few staff have begun fieldwork to redraw white lines on the road in front of my apartment. It was led by a female manager, making me find times have changed.
 In the rapidly changing era, the elderly cannot survive without support from the young. Accordingly, I know I must withdraw from the front line and support the young. But, I am unhappy that my value fell only due to retirement. I am still working as a contract worker of the company I belonged to when retiring. However, my pay was cut by more than 30% due to retirement. My works remained unchanged, and, what was worse, I was required to teach younger staff my works in detail at such low pay. My pay was further cut in the third year of the employment contract.
 It has frustrated me. But the event seems to suggest that it is time to change my mindset since I have no way to change it. I must entirely forget the past and the status quo and have no choice but to try anything new.

 変化が激しい時代は、若い人のサポートがないとおじさんは生きてゆけない。そのためには、自分が身を引いて若い人が活躍できるよう応援しなければことは頭では分かっている。 でも、60歳という定年の年齢だけで自身の価値が下がるのは悲しい。定年を迎えて会社で契約社員として働いているが、定年という理由だけで年収が3割以上も下がった。仕事は、定年前の仕事と全く変わらない。それどころが、引き継ぎ業務まで追加された。なのに、契約社員3年目には、更に下がった。
