
October 18, 2022: Landline, Cold Calls (1), Personal Information (固定電話、勧誘の電話(1)、個人情報)

I still have a landline. But I have hardly dialled it since I started using a mobile phone. I still have calls from my parents and aunt in Kyoto a few times a year. Besides these calls, I have received some calls whose callers are unknown a few times a month. Among them are cold calls, which are very unpleasant. Taking it, the caller starts mentioning my family name. Once I tell him it's me, it begins to talk about what it wants to say and does not give me any room to interrupt it.
The moment it mentions my family name, I get irritated. I neither know nor imagine who calls it. I feel angry about such a call and want to ring off. While it is speaking, I attempt to slam it but fail to do so. I reluctantly continue to hear it and give my half-hearted replies. Then, it gives up and hangs up.
Someone must leak my personal information without my consent. It is irritating!

