
September 24, 2022: Book Club, the Online Morning Book Club, The New Long Life (1) (読書会、オンラインモーニング読書会、Life Shift2 (1))

Last Sunday, I joined a book reading club. It is named the Online Morning Book Reading Club, which Hiro introduced in his article on Note. Its method was as unique as the ABD workshop I have regularly attended. It was meaningful to me, and I enjoyed it a lot.
This time we read Chapter 5 of the New Long Life by Andrew Scott and Lynda Gratton. First, we calmed ourselves to face reading. Then, we looked at the front and back covers of the book and read the authors’ biographies. Then, we read the contents page of Chapter 5 and thought of a question for the authors. Finally, we read the chapter to find answers or hints to it. I found myself reading the book differently than before. I focused on finding the answers or clues to my question and skipped over the part that looked unrelated. It helped me effectively to read it in a short time.
It was a new and fresh experience I had never had before. Making different questions will make me read the same book or chapter to find something new. I will use the method when I read a book alone.

今回は、「Life Shift 2・100年時代の行動戦略」の第5章を読みました。最初に、読書に向き合うために気持ちを落ち着けます。深呼吸をしながら呼吸を整えます。その後、本の表紙の表裏を眺めたり、著者の略歴を読みました。次に、第5章の目次を眺め、著者への質問事項を考えます。この質問を踏まえ、第5章を読みます。そして、質問の解またはヒントになりそうな部分を探します。解を求めて本を読みむと読み方が変わりました。解またはヒントになりそうなこと探しながら読むので、関係のなさそうな部分は読み飛ばします。そのため、短時間で1章を読み終えることができました。
