
June 21, 2022: Walking, Male-specific Nature, Females, Friendliness, Nosey (ウォーキング、男性特有の性質、女性、気さくさ、おせっかい)

    It has been about ten years since I began to walk. As I have always been walking the same route, I got acquainted with some male walkers. However, I have never stopped them on the street. I only make eye contact with them except for a male walker. He is the only man who stopped me. I still greet and talk with him shortly whenever I see him. Other male walkers have never stopped me on the street.  It may be a nature unique to men. I envy females for their friendliness.
     Nevertheless, I have sometimes been confused by it. A woman suddenly stopped me on the street. She asked me if I had something wrong with my lower back. She must have found it from my gait. However, I am not so generous as to talk about my physical condition with a stranger on the street. I wish it would not happen again.

